Faculty is well educated and knowledgeable. There are 40-60 students in each class. Teachers teach very well if you reach to them personally but in class they don't teach so well. Exams are conducted in semester pattern. Exam level is moderate. Around 20% people fail in class. Curriculum is according to the kurukshetra University.
The securities to student ratio is, I think about 1 to 70 because we have 70 students in our class But hardly 30th of them, come to the class, regular. I don't like the Prashanta mam of IT tool because she does not teach. She did not come in the class, even once to teachers only came to take the practical other than that. She does not care if the students are failing like at least she could have attended a class to complete the syllabus, but she did not even come to class one. We studied the whole subject for an exam on our behalf. Only there was no assist or any other substitute teacher provided to us even after knowing that our teacher is not coming to the class teachers, and she was just passing time on her phone in the staffroom and did not even tell us about imported staff for the exam
It has very good facilities . It has a very trained and experienced staff. All our teachers are very good at teaching. It provide a world class facilities clean drinking water, transportation system in nearby areas, friendly environment, and alot of trees and plants.
The faculty is very intelligent and well educated with very higher degrees. They go through several rounds of interviews to get into the lectureship in this college.
Good infact very good as major of them are females and very helpful and cooperative all the time and also very intelligent to take up any querie at any momemt of time without any hassles