Best 15 Master in Mining Engineering Universities/Colleges in USA
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Found 15 universities
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CD RankCollege InfoTuition Fees & living Cost(Avg.)Top CoursesRanking & Reviews
#1Pennsylvania State University logo

Pennsylvania State University, State College

Pennsylvania, Usa51.3%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $46.8K/YrLiving$11.3K/YrAdmission M.S Energy and Mineral Engineeri...Duolingo120TOEFL80$46.8K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
6.2/10(7 Users)Ranked 86 by THE in 2024Ranked 32 by US News in 2024
#2University of Arizona logo

University of Arizona, Tucson

Arizona, Usa78.6%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $34K/YrLiving$19.2K/YrAdmission M.ScGRE314TOEFL79PTE60$34K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
8.5/10(8 Users)Ranked 151 by THE in 2024Ranked 63 by US News in 2024
#3University of Utah logo

University of Utah, Salt Lake City

Utah, Usa76.4%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $35.2K/YrLiving$12.5K/YrAdmission M.Eng Mining EngineeringTOEFL85$35.2K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
7.3/10(8 Users)Ranked 251 by THE in 2024Ranked 55 by US News in 2024
#4University of Kentucky logo

University of Kentucky, Lexington

Kentucky, Usa90.8%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $35.5K/YrLiving$12.9K/YrAdmission M.S Mining EngineeringIELTS6.5$35.5K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
7.2/10(3 Users)Ranked 251 by THE in 2024Ranked 92 by US News in 2024
#5Missouri University of Science and Technology logo

Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla

Missouri, Usa79.3%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $27.8K/YrLiving$10.1K/YrAdmission M.S Metallurgical EngineeringGRE308TOEFL80PTE59$27.8K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
1 More Program
Ranked 251 by THE in 2024Ranked 82 by US News in 2024
#6University of Alaska logo

University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Alaska, Usa73.5%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $36.3K/YrLiving$8.7K/YrAdmission M.S Mining EngineeringTOEFL79$36.3K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
Ranked 127 by US News in 2024Ranked 301 by ARWU in 2022
#7University of Alabama logo

University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa

Alabama, Usa52.6%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $32.4K/YrLiving$5K/YrAdmission M.S Metallurgical EngineeringTOEFL79PTE59$32.4K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
Ranked 401 by THE in 2024Ranked 99 by US News in 2024
#8Virginia Tech logo

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg

Virginia, Usa71%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $33.3K/YrLiving$12.7K/YrAdmission M.S Mining EngineeringGRE310IELTS7.5PTE53$33.3K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
1 More Program
8.2/10(4 Users)Ranked 30 by US News in 2024Ranked 101 by ARWU in 2022
#9Colorado School of Mines logo

Colorado School of Mines, Golden

Colorado, Usa40.4%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $41.6K/YrLiving$11.9K/YrAdmission M.S Mining EngineeringIELTS6.5PTE53$41.6K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
9.2/10(1 User)Ranked 52 by US News in 2024Ranked 151 by ARWU in 2022
#10Michigan Technological University logo

Michigan Technological University, Houghton

Michigan, Usa76.4%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $28.8K/YrLiving$10.5K/YrAdmission M.S Mining EngineeringTOEFL80$28.8K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
7.7/10(2 Users)Ranked 82 by US News in 2024Ranked 301 by ARWU in 2022
#11West Virginia University logo

West Virginia University, Morgantown

West Virginia, Usa76.1%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $26.9K/YrLiving$10.6K/YrAdmission M.S Mining EngineeringGRE298IELTS6.5PTE53$26.9K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
7.0/10(3 Users)Ranked 119 by US News in 2024
#12University of Idaho logo

University of Idaho, Moscow

Idaho, Usa75.9%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $29.8K/YrLiving$8.7K/YrAdmission M.S Metallurgical EngineeringTOEFL79PTE58$29.8K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
6.5/10(3 Users)Ranked 183 by US News in 2024Ranked 401 by ARWU in 2022
#13University of Nevada logo

University of Nevada, Reno

Nevada, Usa88%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $10.3K/YrLiving$10.9K/YrAdmission M.S Mining EngineeringIELTS6.5PTE59$10.3K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
1 More Program
7.7/10(3 Users)Ranked 121 by US News in 2024Ranked 201 by ARWU in 2022
#14Southern Illinois University logo

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Illinois, Usa80.6%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $25.6K/YrLiving$10.6K/YrAdmission M.S Mining EngineeringDuolingo105IELTS6.5$25.6K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
Ranked 183 by US News in 2024
#15Montana Tech logo

Montana Tech, Butte

Montana, Usa88.9%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $50.8K/YrLiving$9.3K/YrAdmission M.S Mining Engineering$50.8K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
Ranked 576 by FORBES in 2019