Aaquish Sidhik Review at Coventry University, Coventry | Collegedunia

My MSc Course in Mechanical Engineering at Coventry University

5.8 /10

This university and its location were more inclined toward mechanical engineering in terms of almost everything. Also, I was very impressed by my the level of infratructure and facilities being offered here.

Course Curriculum :

The course curriculum was up to date. I loved the course structure and the way the course works and assignments were grouped for each subject. They taught theory and practical in their own ways, which made it look complex from the outside but at the same time made it look easy for us.

Exams :

60% pass in B.Tech, IELTS - 7.5, But they did not consider my IELTS score since I scored more than 80% in English for my 12th board exams.

Placement :

Well, this depends on the effort of the students, to be honest. It was not particularly a placement-oriented course for me. I went there to continue studying what I have already studied and I am confident the university served the purpose. I was not particularly looking for placements and my course did not offer that as much as it should.

Internship :

No, I didn't get any Internship.

Events :

Campus life was amazing. The facilities for an engineering student were dreamlike. We were granted access to the labs below the building where a fighter jet was stored. The buildings were a sight to behold considering how open and how much of the natural light was used.

Fees :

£18,250 is the program fee.

Scholarship :

No, I didn't receive any scholarship.

Faculty :

The faculty ratio was 1:20. The faculty and the staff were kind and very helpful. Any doubts at any time were cleared with a mail. There were a lot of professors for me to keep track of, but I will never forget the professor assigned to my dissertation - Mr. Demetrios. He really helped me even though there were times when I couldn't move past certain hurdles.

Hostel :

Accommodation for me was sufficient. It was not shared. I had a whole room to myself. The kitchen was shared. It was cozy and comfortable for me.

5.8 out of 10