- I like my college atmosphere it will full of trees in our college and it will be like greenner in our college
- I like library in our college there many books in our college for study
- I dont like samosa in our canteen. it is not more tasty and it is very small
Course Curriculum Overview :
In our college there is good circulum for acedemics in our college.In our college there highly educated and talented faculty is available in our college.their teacing will be in next level in their teaching in class . we wii be getting one time table for circular of full academic time table of the college and examtime table and also holidays list also given and they will plan before semister for the comming semisters also . we have many courses for respective of their branches and we can learn as many of courses and also our college provide other courses from outsider of our college also and it also for free of cost and also provide certificates also and for free of cost for any course
Placement Experience :
In our college placements are very good and held 90 percent placeced in campases recuitment and remaining are for gone for higher studies for abord or for mtech studies for cotinuing their studies .7.5 cgpa is eligible for campus placements n our college and many are placed in in campus only the average package for our college is 400000 lpa per year it is the avrerage package for our college and every student will have 3 jobs in hand before releaving from our college. after my btech graduation i want to higher studies for mtech and get more certification in degree.if no placement in campus placements means then bettter go for higher studies then by our certification will get more opportunities from for our certificaties.
Fees and Financial Aid :
In our college they are many policies and oppportunities for their career building and specification of the regularities of .our college provide good education and good practical experiences in our our college tution fee and sevices fee and compulsory charges total 72000 in rupess in our college for and also for management sheet of the student has the fee of 4 lakhs of fee per year for students in the management quota.there also some scolarship in our college for student who have 90 plus atteendence and 9 plus in cgpa in examination of overal in every semister of cgpa is obtained in semisters they will get 10000 rupess scholar ships in our collles in check format and it will be used in their college fee
Campus Life :
In our college they are many techinical and nontechinical events in our college. in campus life there more events for every branch and more techinical and nontechinical event they conduct fests wit uge amouts and many will come from other college for partispating in events and also our college provie price worths for events of 10000 rupess and it will happents with hug and grandly events and fests are conducted for our college fests it is stepcorn . in our college there are many clubs for conducting events in fests . we have clubs like coding cub and music club and cultural and sports and also club for extracurricular activities for conducting event in fests and normal time
Admission :
The admission process in our college is very good and very efficient in our college. our college takes the admission process according to apempcet and diploma and we have to entrance test for the admission process our college fees are also for those who got admission to our college and also we have a management sheet also for management, we will not get any scholarships in our college and in our college we have many benefits and exams in our college we will have some curriculum in college on timetabling of exams. before the semester starts only we will receive one timetable on the exams curriculum. In it block admission process is processed and implemented for getting admission to our college