How is an MS in surgery at Allied AIIMS Rishikesh, Jodhpur, Bhubaneswar, Raipur, Patna, and Bhopal?

1 Answer

Puneet Aarya Posted On - Jun 4, 2023
MBBS from All India Institute of Medical Sciences

General surgery at any of the AIIMS provides a lesser hands-on experience as there are so many MCh residents/Non-Academic. A surgery resident at AIIMS Rishikesh is posted in General Surgery as well as through all the surgical super-specialties. There will be a lot to learn here and the faculties are also good. Residents are made to do minor surgeries independently like Hydrocoele, Appendicectomy, etc. But in AIIMS you will just be assisting in most of the surgeries. You might be allowed to do these surgeries in the senior year although the number is very less. The institute usually handles complex cases so you might have little knowledge on general cases. The emergency cases are managed by JR and SR only. So you will get a lot of experience here.

You will be doing very minimal work on surgical super-specialties like Plastics, Surgical Gastro, Surgical onco, Neurosurgery, Pediatric Surgery, Urology et cetera. A unique aspect of AIIMS Rishikesh is its separate IBCC (Integrated Breast care center) under Dept of General Surgery which focuses on the multifaceted management of Breast cases in one place. So you will get the best hands-on experience here.

AIIMS Rishikesh General Surgery has 3 units. Each unit focuses on one or two of the organ systems like the colorectal unit, Hepato-pancreatic-biliary unit, etc. 

Despite it all, I think pursuing surgery from a state college is better than the central institutes unless you are willing to do MCh in a particular branch. 



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