IIDE Mumbai

Karan Shah is the founder of IIDE - The Indian Institute of Digital Education and started 9 years back in the education space. A TedX speaker, his efforts have trained more than 100,000 students and large Multinational corporations online and offline. Being alumni of NMIMS University & Harvard University, he frequently visits various IIMs as a prominent speaker.

He also has a knack for writing front-page articles at several newspapers such as Educations Times, Entrepreneur India, Hindustan Times, The Free Press Journal and many more.

From digital marketing expert/veteran/thought leader to CEO, can you tell us more about your journey?

“Discovered my passion for teaching during an unexpected moment”

Having worked in various verticals of marketing, I fell in love with the work. From traditional sales executive roles to digital marketing roles. During my exciting career in marketing, one day I got the opportunity to teach a batch of students about digital marketing. That was my eureka moment, I never felt so passionate about doing anything before this. IIDE was conceived out of this clarity of purpose and passion to teach and educate. I left my job and committed all my savings to my idea and now 4.5 years later, it has been the best decision of my life.

Describe us IIDE’s journey?

“From a small room establishment to an award-winning institute in just 5 yearrs”

IIDE was established in 2016 with the sole vision of imparting the best quality education for digital marketing. It all started on a small scale and in short 4 years we went on to train more than 60,000+ students! Soon after expansion, due to our student-centric approach, we were awarded India’s best Digital education institute at Indian Education Congress and Awards 2020.

We foresaw the digital wave coming towards India, and launched many online courses, and received positive responses. Even during the COVID 19 pandemic, where most of the country had to shut down, we stayed busy due to our amazing online presence and courses. With our online LIVE courses, we kept the classrooms and our mission to make India digital-ready alive.

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What is your vision for digital education in India?

“Only a matter of time when digital becomes the main medium for all education“

I believe that education should be made appealing, safe, and easy to access rather than a regiment for students to follow. Digital education is a reply to all these hardships that a student should not have to deal with, such as travelling in these unsafe times. One can easily get their education brought to them at their home. Creating individual courses & comprehensive training programs benefits everyone.

Another advantage is that digital mediums help in saving costs and makes education accessible for all students. The hassle of books, transportation, and other such barriers are overcome by digital means easily.

What is your vision for IIDE’s future?

“Become a global entity and benchmark for quality education in everything digital”

There are four primary pillars of the digital world - Coding, Design, Marketing, and Data Science. We curate courses on small individual topics, all the way up to comprehensive industry-level courses that are flexible and adaptive for all students. We provide holistic training in all the components of the industry. So when a student walks out as a certified digital specialist, they are truly effective at their job from day one.

As we solely kept our eyes on the task of providing an amazing educational experience, students across Asia have started to demand our courses. This year we even started running campaigns in ASEAN countries and received great audience responses.

What according to you makes an educational experience memorable and transformative?

“Personalized education & mentors who care for their students”

The attention and mentorship that I received made me feel special as a student and made me push myself to my best. This ethos of mentoring and personal attention that changed my life, is what I champion at IIDE. I believe this culture distinguishes us from other institutes.

At IIDE we consider someone a true mentor, only when they know every student’s name and an adjective relating to each student. This small maxim, followed by our team of teachers and mentors, has made them all individually acquainted with each student and to know their aspirations personally.

At IIDE we teach everything with the “why?” first approach. It is not enough to know the skills but to know why to apply them and why they are effective, making you a decision-maker and a problem solver.

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Advice to budding entrepreneurs and digital marketers?

“Entrepreneur or a digital marketing professional, the process of growth should never stop”

For entrepreneurs, “play the long game”. It is said that you finally begin your true entrepreneurial journey when you complete your first 1000 days in that industry. Always be honest in your dealings and transparent to your customer, to build trust.

For my beloved digital marketers, never get stagnated. Keep A/B testing everything you do, i.e., always have a track of what works and what does not work. If you keep experimenting and trying new things, you will come across a novel idea that will change everything.

Ambition, Action, and Analysis. You need the ambition to drive you forward, action to get you the results you desire, and analysis to help you figure out what went right and what went wrong.