Dr. Goldie Zaki is the Head of the Commerce and Management Department at SPIPS. She holds an MBA in IB. She has an experience of 16 years in the teaching field. She has published 26 research papers in national and international journals. She has been conferred with the ‘Best Innovative Faculty Award’ by All Indian Association for Christian Higher Education in India, and the Best resource person award in International Confluence organized by St. Aloysius College, Jabalpur.

St. Paul Institute of Professional Studies

What keeps you connected with the education sector and how has your experience been so far with the institute?

When it comes to the education sector, I find the most amazing aspect that the young and vibrant energy present in the students. This unique energy is not found in any other sector except for education. The enthusiasm and aspirations of young minds, who will become the nation builders of tomorrow, are truly inspiring. Being connected with them is the primary factor that keeps me engaged in the education sector. Speaking of my growth within the institution, I have been connected for 14 years, since the inception of the college. Over time, I have evolved as an individual, a professional, a faculty member and a teacher. It has been a mutual growth, with me developing alongside the institution and the institution growing with my contribution.

What are your roles and responsibilities?

The best thing about our college is the clear definition of job roles and responsibilities for everyone associated with it. Currently, I am handling three responsibilities. Firstly, I am the head of the Commerce and Management Department, a role I have been fulfilling for the past five years. Additionally, I serve as the NAAC coordinator, and due to our efforts, the college has achieved a NAAC A grade, which is a significant accomplishment. Lastly, I play a crucial role as the Internal Quality Assurance Cell coordinator. Ensuring internal quality in the college is of paramount importance, as it contributes to the growth of the institution, faculty and students. Taking care of quality sustenance and ensuring adherence to quality parameters in the college are my prime responsibilities, and I am extensively involved in all three roles assigned to me. 

What extracurricular activities are organized in your college to enhance the skills of students? 

Our college serves as a hub for extracurricular activities. In addition to the numerous co-curricular events we organize, there are also various extracurricular activities, including the cultural fest. This fest encompasses dance, collage making, drawing, painting, singing, nail art, cartooning, and music. Furthermore, we host invited talks, guest lectures, seminars, and workshops. We boast several clubs like dance and music clubs that organize numerous activities to refine the talents of our students. Moreover, sports activities are an integral part of our institution. Just this month, we conducted a two-day athletics meet and an inter-house competition. Students are divided into different houses, leading to various inter-house competitions. These events not only hone their skills but also foster a competitive spirit among the students.

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What do you think is the greatest strength of your institute? 

I believe the greatest strength of our institute lies in meticulous planning and superb implementation. Additionally, the main motto of the college is service towards society and the nation. This aspect makes us the most important and prominent institution in the city of Indore. We adhere to value-based quality education, producing professionals who not only excel in their expertise but also possess strong values and morals.

What do you want people to know about your college that they may not know?

Regarding our college, I want others to know that this is not just another institution catering to higher education needs, it is a temple of learning. I want everyone to understand that our college is very particular about everything we do. We deliver what we promise. We follow a systematic approach, and our students proudly boast of being a part of the prestigious institution, St. Paul Institute of Professional Studies. I invite everyone reading this interview message to come and visit our campus so that they can experience firsthand what we have been talking about.

Any suggestions you want to give to the current youth and aspiring students? 

The most important suggestion I would like to give to the youth is that the environment today is highly demanding. The challenges have increased, and accordingly, the youth must adapt themselves to these challenges. They need to enhance their stress capacity, avoiding breaking down at small situations or challenges. They should be strong enough to face the present challenges because competition is intense, and students aspire to grow significantly. However, they need the capacity to sustain and act as shock absorbers in different challenging situations.