Suvasis Ghosh is the Dean of the BBA program at KIIT School of Management. He holds a BA in English and an MBA degree in International Business from IIFT. Mr. Ghosh has over 20 years of experience in Strategy and Marketing, having worked with leading MNCs like Deloitte, KPMG, Archer Daniels Midland, YES Bank, and Cargill. He has served as a Strategic Management Consultant with expertise spanning the food, agribusiness, and consumer sectors. Moreover, he has provided advisory services to both private and public clients, covering a range of projects/initiatives. Mr. Suvasis has been a member of advisory councils in industry bodies like FICCI and CII and has published multiple thought leadership pieces on the consumer sector during his corporate tenure.


What are the core strengths of BBA program at KSOM that set it apart from other institutions?

The BBA program at KSOM is a unique amalgamation of classroom-based courses interspersed with industry interfaces. The curriculum has been developed in close collaboration with industry experts and leading figures in academia. Furthermore, students undertake live projects and interact with alumni and other corporates during workshops and other activities to broaden their knowledge and keep them apprised of real-world trends. At KSOM, the emphasis is always on equipping the students with skills and knowledge that they can then apply going forward in the corporate world. To further provide guidance and support to students, the BBA program also has a dedicated mentor-mentee program wherein tutor mentors are assigned to each student who guide their mentees through the three years as well as provide valuable career counselling so that the student can maximise the opportunities that the program offers.

How does the curriculum balance theory with practical application of business skills? Are there opportunities for internships or real-world projects?

The KSOM BBA program has a progressive curriculum which is updated regularly, incorporating feedback from industry as well as academia. The pedagogy is a mix of classroom-based teaching using case studies topped up with examples from the industry. To further enhance the learning of students and to provide them with hands-on skills, the students are encouraged to undertake live projects with corporations as well as undergo internships. The curriculum also incorporates practical industry-aligned projects which develop the multi-level skill sets which students need to tackle real-life situations. The general course curriculum is interspersed with workshops and events where alumni of the college from the corporate world as well as various industry leaders interact with students and further enhance as well as broaden their knowledge and exposure.

Can you tell me about the faculty in your BBA program? Do they have strong industry experience in addition to academic credentials?

The KSOM BBA program has faculty who are from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. All the faculty have a healthy blend of corporate and academic experience and as such, they bring the best of both worlds into their curriculum and pedagogy. The faculty are from top-notch schools in India like IIT, IIM, XLRI, NITIE, and IIFT and have worked in organisations like Deloitte, KPMG, ITC, etc. The institute has a host of visiting faculty and industry exposure events wherein stalwarts from the corporate sectors interact with students and teach them along with the regular faculty so that the curriculum is strengthened from a real-world point of view

Can you elaborate on the teaching methodologies used in your BBA program? How does this approach foster critical thinking and practical application?

The primary teaching methodology in the KSOM BBA program is through case studies, as the core philosophy behind the institute's pedagogy is to move away from textbook teaching and rote learning towards practical application. This exposure to case study-based problem solving enables the student to think critically and develop their data-driven decision-making capability. To top this, the pedagogy encourages active learning through vigorous group discussions, simulations, role-plays, and presentations, which also inculcate in the students the spirit of teamwork as well as develop their interpersonal skills. The program also incorporates project-based learning, which enables the students to apply their theoretical learning to real-life industry-aligned projects to develop practical skills like data analysis, project management and strategic thinking.

Check KSOM Faculty

Do the BBA programs at KSOM involve industry leaders in curriculum development or guest lectures? How does this collaboration benefit students?

The BBA program actively collaborates with experts from the industry during curriculum development as well as upgrades the curriculum continuously to reflect changes in the industrial landscape. Regular interactions are scheduled with corporates and alumni wherein students are exposed to the best in the industry and gain valuable insights on the trends in the business landscape as well as career options. 

Does the program offer opportunities for undergraduate research or independent study?

The course is designed in such a manner that it encourages students to undertake independent research under a faculty member or collaborate with a faculty member on ongoing research projects. Through this exposure, students gain valuable exposure to research processes, right from formulating research questions to data sampling, analysis, etc. Apart from this, all courses have a component of independent study which is geared towards enabling the student to top-up their classroom teaching with extensive deep diving in specific areas of interest in the respective subject.

How is your program adapting to the evolving needs of the business world? What emerging trends are you incorporating into the curriculum?

The BBA program is a dynamic one that is updated constantly to reflect the changes in the business world. These changes are incorporated after extensive discussions and feedback from industry experts and academic SMEs. Going forward and keeping in line with the NEP of the Government of India, the BBA program at KSOM intends to incorporate more skill-based multidisciplinary courses and vocational studies. To create community leaders, the BBA program will also incorporate elements that will expose the students to social immersion in local communities.

Is there anything else you would like to share about BBA program at KSOM?

The BBA program at KSOM is a unique blend of curriculum-based learning and hands-on industry exposure. The dynamic curriculum, which incorporates the best from academia and industry, prepares the student to handle volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It equips the students with the necessary skillsets in an ever-changing business landscape. The program incorporates both curricular as well as extracurricular activities, which contribute to the all-round development of the student. The institute promotes, through its clubs and competitions, an active student life that seeks to create future leaders equipped with all the necessary interpersonal and communication skills.