Mr. M JayaPrakash is an Assistant Professor of the AVS Engineering College, Salem, Tamil Nadu. He did from Paavai Engineering College,Pachal and ME Computer Science from Jayam College of Engineering and Technology,Dharmapuri. His interested areas are Data structures and algorithms, Fundamentals of C programming and Computer networks. He was Alumni coordinator from 2012-2016. Mr. JayaPrakash worked as Computer Management Group, NAAC Coordinator of Coaching Camp and Remedial Classes in charge of AVS Engineering College. He was appreciated for Giving 95% results in “Software Project Management” and “Cryptography and Networks Security’ during achievers day.

AVS Engineering College

Being a faculty of the AVS Engineering College, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“Counsel students, execution of curricular activities and internal assessments for pupils”

We handle classes as per the department calendar punctually, and ensure effective teaching in both theory and practical by using ICT tools. My role includes counseling the students based on their performance in Internal Assessments. Faculties give coaching for pupils intensively to achieve 100 % pass in the semester exams conducted by the University. Periodic communication with parents to make them aware of their ward's performance. The execution of Instructions both Curricular and Extracurricular, given by HOD in time maintain quality of work on campus. 

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

“Encourage distinct talents, a sense of humor and programs to maintain healthy relations on campus”

Always try to know their story and find the best in every student. We setting them up for success Faculties encourage their distinct talents and implement a sense of humor. Our campus conducts various events and maintains a friendly atmosphere. Attending Celebrations, and supporting students to share their workload and accepting alterations.

How do you try to bring in practical approach towards subjects and make it industry Oriented?

“Organize internships, seminars, workshops, and online courses for pupils”

We make students register Online courses organized by academics suggested by different platforms. Laboratory oriented teaching on courses most related to industry Expectation is available to students. We make students participate in industry through internships, seminars, workshops, and more. Pupils get industrial visits to IT Industries and make them aware of the process going on in Industries.

What are the best practices offered in AVS Engineering College to the students which help them gain necessary skills?

“Special labs, online libraries, presentation skills and development programs are accessible to pupils”

Skill development programs on Basic cutting edge technologies and special labs for developing products are given to pupils. Communication cell make them competent in English language Wi-Fi and LAN facilities are available to explore the web. Physical and Online Department Library with abundant educational contents is affordable to all. We formulate a feedback system to receive general and specific grievances. It helps us to establish tie-ups with reputed industries.

How do you strategize the curriculum and get updated to make it befitting for the students?

“Practical learning, and syllabus update as per Anna University with credit based system” 

We are affiliated to Anna University and follow Choice based credit system. Students get electives and laboratories are included for practical learning. Based on the release of regulations by Anna university, the curriculum will be updated by us easily. 

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How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

“Career guidance cell, competitive exam sessions and collaborative learning environment are accessible to pupils”

We apply sessions on competitive exams through a career guidance cell.Teaching them about collaborative learning, ethics and moral values and skill set. The evaluation on accuracy of the information they receive from the outside world.Our campus conduct session on Tolerance for unfamiliar cultures and ideas.

Do you have any extracurricular activities to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges?

“Conduct sports activities such as Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Kabbadi and athletics”

Renowned Trainers prepare the students for both International and National Tournaments such as Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Kabaddi and athletics. We celebrate festivals like Pongal, Friendship day, College Day every year to exhibit the distinct talents of our students. They get NSS and YRC students to extend their helping hands by serving the Society.

What are the challenges you faced to uplift the quality of education of AVS Engineering College?

“Adopting the latest ICT tools and blooming taxonomy is the greatest challenge faced by us”

We try to make students effective in problem solving and critical thinking. Adopting students to the latest ICT tools is the primary challenge for us. Another one is implementing Bloom's taxonomy.

When you came to the college, what is your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

“To create high quality engineers with ethical values is our primary vision”

Creating high quality and responsible Engineers through effective teaching with ethical values is my vision. We provide Seminars,workshops and research conducted on evolving Technologies for pupils. They can be involved in publishing papers periodically in various journals related to my area of research and completions. We are always loyal to the stakeholders (Management, Students and Parents).

How does the curriculum of AVS Engineering College ensure the best practice of the Industry?

“Internships, projects and training are available to students”

We provide industry and department interactions through placement cells. Students undergo internships with many different companies in various projects for a period of time. They undergo training given by the ICT Academy named NALAIYA THIRAN, and create products as an outcome of the Training. Pupils also receive grants from Tamil Nadu Government for best projects.

How does the department enhance the skills of the faculty and prepares them according to the industry standards?

“Encourage faculty development programs, workshops, conferences and webinars to students”

We are encouraging faculty to participate in the Faculty development programs, Workshops, Webinars and Conferences. They can publish their research work in national or international Journals. We encourage the faculty to join in the Phd program and provide the 24x7 with high speed internet facility along with high end configuration. 

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What are the interventions and approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to train the students?

“Inquiry-based learning strategies, Cooperative Learning and blooming taxonomy are given to students”

Application of bloom's taxonomy is a classification system used to define and distinguish different levels of human cognition exist on campus. We differentiated instruction of every student with an individual learning style. Students grasp a subject in the same way or share the same level of ability. So, the teacher delivers lessons at varying levels of difficulty based on the ability of each student. Our campus focuses on cooperative Learning help students learn more effectively when working together. We utilize Technology in the Classroom to keep students motivated and engaged. Inquiry-based learning strategies are used to engage students to learn by asking questions, investigating, exploring, and reporting. This process leads students to a deeper understanding of the content that they are learning, which helps them be able to apply these concepts in new situations. Through the feedback system, we know quickly whether students are on the right track or need to take a different tack.

What do you see as the greatest strengths of AVS Engineering College and how it can be enhanced?

“ICT Tools, well-equipped laboratories and experienced faculties are our greatest strengths”

Experienced and knowledgeable Faculty members with a high level of proficiency in various courses is our greatest strength. Well-equipped laboratories with high speed Internet facility, and ICT tools for teaching courses makes learning enjoyable for pupils. Staff and student involvement in Research oriented Activities like, paper publications, funded projects, online courses like NPTEL etc.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

“Have a vision, keep skills updated and go for your dreams”

Concentrate on your strength and do not let failure scare you. Strive for excellence and not let go of your dreams. Have a vision and wait for opportunities. Find a balance with your personal life and keep your skills up-to-date.