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Tripura JEE 2024 Syllabus, Check Important Topics and Exam Pattern

Rishav Gangopadhyay logo

Rishav Gangopadhyay

Content Curator | Updated On - Apr 3, 2024

TJEE 2024 syllabus has been released by the Tripura Board of Joint Entrance Examination (TBJEE) at the website, You can now check the detailed subjects, topics, and units that have to be studied for the entrance examination through the TJEE syllabus. TJEE 2024 syllabus for each subject has been divided into 10 modules. While preparing the question paper of TJEE 2024, the authorities will take three questions from each module.

You are advised to check TJEE 2024 syllabus carefully so that they are able to boost their preparation process. Along with the syllabus, you can also check TJEE 2024 exam pattern to learn more about the upcoming entrance examination. Also, students willing to appear in Tripura Joint Entrance Examination have to pick one group (Group A- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics; Group B- Physics, Chemistry, Biology; Group C- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics,Biology).

Solving TJEE previous year practice papers will give you better insight of the syllabus as well as weightage of questions. However, as per past few year analysis, it is advised to focus more and more on topics of Mathematics, and Physics portion. Grasping and getting clear of concepts of topics instead of mugging up can keep you in a safezone. Most of the formula based questions comes from these two portions. Also cover entire syllabus of Biology, as it is on the other hand most scoring part.

Ques. What is TJEE 2024 marking scheme?

Ans. TJEE 2024 question paper includes a total 30 questions. Each correct answer carries +4 marks, making a total 120 marks for each subject. There is a -1 marks deduction for every incorrect answers.

Ques. Is it necessary to complete entire TJEE 2024 syllabus?

Ans. TJEE 2024 syllabus must be completed entirely. Start your preparation early to get acquainted with the syllabus, weightage, and question paper pattern. Refer to important books like NCERT which covers TJEE 2024 syllabus. Also, practice 1-2 mock test, and solve previous year question papers on a daily basis. It is advisable to not take pressure before the one month of commencement of exam, instead of giving revision and solving mock test at that time.

TJEE 2024 Physics Syllabus

The syllabus is divided into 10 modules each consisting of several topics. The modules are as follows


  • Unit of measurement, System of units, S.I. units, Fundamental and derived units, Dimensional Analysis.
  • Composition and resolution of vectors, Rectangular components in two & three dimensions, Unit vector, Representation of vectors in term of coordinates, Addition & Subtraction of vectors, Multiplication of vectors - scalar product & vector product.
  • Uniformly accelerated motion, Velocity - time graph Position-time graph, Kinematical equations in one dimension.
  • Centre of mass, Centre of gravity, Conditions of equilibrium of a system of forces, Moment of a force about a point and an axis, couple, torque.
  • Newton’s laws of motion, inertial frame, Impulse &   impulsive forces. Conservation of linear momentum, Static and kinetic friction, Projectile motion.
  • Rotational motion of a particle, Angular momentum and conservation of angular momentum, Moment of inertia, Relation between Torque, Angular momentum, Moment of inertia & Angular acceleration, Rotational kinetic energy, Centripetal force & centrifugal force.
  • Work, energy & power; Conservative and non-conservative force; Elastic collision in one dimension.


  • Laws of gravitation, Gravitational field & potential; Acceleration due to gravity and its variation with altitude, depth & rotation of the earth; Escape velocity, Kepler’s laws of planetary motion (rigorous proof is not required), Geostationary satellite.
  • Elasticity, Elastic behaviour, Hooke’s Law of elasticity, Elastic module, Poisson’s ratio, Elastic Energy.
  • Pascal’s law, Principle of multiplication of thrust & its application, Hydraulic press. Archimedes’ principle and its application, Atmospheric pressure, Torricelli’s Expt., Fortin’s Barometer.
  • Surface energy and surface tension, Capillarity, Streamline and turbulent motion, Newton’s law of viscous force, Coefficient of viscosity, Stoke’s law, Terminal velocity, Bernoulli’s Principle (statement only) and its simple application.


  • Simple Harmonic Motion, Differential equation of S.H.M. & its solution, Energy in S.H.M., Time period of a simple pendulum, Superposition of two S.H.M.,’s (analytical treatment), Free, forced & damped vibrations (qualitative idea only), Resonance. Elastic waves - longitudinal and transverse waves, Progressive waves.
  • Superposition of waves: beats; stationary waves - the vibration of strings & air columns.
  • Doppler effect in sound propagation (effect of medium excluded), Sound wave as a longitudinal elastic wave, Velocity of the sound wave, Newton’s formula and Laplace’s correction, Dependence of velocity of sound in a medium on temperature, pressure, density and humidity.


  • Thermal expansion of solids, Relation among coefficients of linear, superficial and cubical expansion of solids, Applications of expansion of solids, Thermal expansion of liquids, Relation between expansion coefficients.
  • Colourimetry, Change of state, Latent heat.
  • Conduction, convection and radiation, Thermal conductivity, Thermometric conductivity, Black body radiation, Stefan’s law, Newton’s law of cooling (statement and qualitative explanation only.)
  • Mean free path, Mean, RMS speed and most probable speed, Pressure of an ideal gas; Charle’s law, Boyle’s law, Avogadro’s law & pressure law from Kinetic theory of gases, Kinetic energy of molecules, Kinetic interpretation of temperature.
  • The first law of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic variables, Isothermal and Adiabatic expansions of gases, reversible and irreversible processes, Specific heats of gases at constant pressure and at constant volume and relation between them.


  • Reflection of light, Spherical mirrors, Mirror formula, linear magnification (formula).
  • Refraction at a plane surface, Total internal reflection, Critical angle, Relation between refractive index and critical angle, optical fibre, Total reflecting prism, Refraction and dispersion of light through a prism.
  • Thin lenses - concave and convex, lens formula, power of a lens, lens maker’s formula (deduction is not required), two thin lenses in contact.
  • Simple and compound microscope, Astronomical telescope (simple construction as a combination of coaxial lenses and ray diagram showing final image formation) Magnifying power. Human eye - defects of vision and corrections.
  • Wavefront and Huygen’s principle, Reflection and Refraction of a plane wavefront at a plane surface on the basis of Huygen’s Principle, Interference of light. Young’s double-slit experiment and expression for fringe width, coherent sources


  • Coulomb’s law in electrostatics, Electric field intensity and potential and their relation, Electric dipole, Electric field due to a dipole, Dipole moment, Electric flux, Gauss’ theorem in electrostatics (statement only) and its application to find electric field intensity due to uniformly charged infinitely long thin straight wire and uniformly charged thin spherical shell (field inside & outside).
  • Capacitance, Principle of the capacitor, Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor, series & parallel combination of capacitors, energy stored in a capacitor, sharing of charges & loss of energy.
  • Coulomb’s law in magnetism, Magnetic field intensity due to a magnetic dipole (short bar magnet) at a point on its axis and on the perpendicular bisector of the axis; Torque on a magnetic dipole in a uniform magnetic field, Current loop as a magnetic dipole and magnetic dipole moment.
  • Properties of magnetic material, permeability & susceptibility, dia, para & ferromagnetic materials & their uses. The magnetic field of the earth, Elements of the earth’s magnetic field.


  • Drift velocity and mobility of charge carrier through a metallic conductor and their relation with electric current, Ohm’s law, Resistance of conductor, Factors influencing resistance, Temperature coefficient of resistance, Resistivity, Combination of resistors, Internal resistance of a cell and circuit equation, Combinations of cells.
  • Kirchhoff’s law and simple applications, Wheatstone bridge principle, Meter bridge (with the application for the determination of unknown resistance), Principle and applications of the potentiometer.
  • Joule’s law on the heating effect of current, Electrical method of determination of ‘J’, electric power, B.O.T. unit of electrical energy.
  • Thermocouple, Thermo-emf, E-T graph, Neutral temp., Temp. of inversion, Seebeck effect, Peltier effect


  • Magnetic effect of current, Biot - Savart law and its application to current carrying circular loop, Ampere’s circuital law and its application to infinitely long straight wire, straight and toroidal solenoids, Force on a moving charge in a uniform electric field and magnetic field, Lorentz force.
  • The force between two straight parallel current-carrying   conductors
  • definition of ampere, Fleming’s left-hand rule, Torque experienced by a current-carrying loop in a uniform magnetic field, Moving coil galvanometer, Conversion of a galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter.
  • Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law, self and mutual induction, Fleming’s right-hand rule, Alternating current (basic concept), Peak and RMS value of alternating current/voltage.
  • The qualitative idea of electromagnetic waves and their spectrum.


  • Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen-like atom, Hydrogen spectrum, Photoelectric effect, Einstein’s photoelectric equation, Explanation of laws of Photoelectric emission, Photoelectric cell, Wave-particle duality, de Broglie's hypothesis.
  • Radioactivity; Alpha, beta & gamma rays and their properties, Radioactive decay law, Decay constant, half-life & mean life, Radioisotope and their uses.


  • The distinction between metals (conductors), semiconductors & insulators in terms of energy bands in slides, Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors, p-n Junction diode, semiconductor diode rectifiers, p-n-p and n-p-n Transistors, Common Emitter Transistor Characteristics.
  • Logic Gates - OR gate, AND gate & NOT gate.

Constituents of the atomic nucleus, Mass defect, Binding energy, Mass energy equivalence, Nuclear fission, Chain reaction, Nuclear reactor - Principle of operation, Nuclear fusion, Thermonuclear fusion as the source of energy in Sun and Stars.

Read About Tripura JEE Result 

TJEE 2024 Chemistry Syllabus

The syllabus is divided into 10 modules each consisting of several topics. The modules are as follows:


A. Atomic structure

B. Radioactivity and Nuclear

C. The Periodic table and Chemical families


A. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

 B. Chemical Energetic and Chemical Dynamics


  1. Gaseous State
  2. Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic Equilibria and Red ox Equilibria;
  • Chemical Equilibria
  • Ionic Equilibrium
  • Red ox Equilibria


A. Atoms, molecules and Chemical Arithmetic:

B. Chemistry of Solutions:

  • Non-electrolytic solutions 
  • Colloidal Solution
  • Electrolytic Solutions


A. Chemistry of Non-Metallic Elements and their compounds:

  •  Carbon
  •  Sulphur and Oxygen
  •  Halogen.
  1. Chemistry in Industry
  • Heavy Chemicals:
  • Fuel Gases:.
  • Fertilizers


A. Chemistry of Metallic elements and their compounds:

  • General principles of metallurgy
  • Typical Members
  • Metals of Life
  • Compounds of metals
  • B.Cement


A. Chemistry of Organic Compound:

  • Unique nature of  carbon atom
  • Organic reactions.

B. Hydrocarbons:

  • Classification of hydrocarbons
  • Methane and ethane
  • Ethylene
  • Acetylene

C. Aromatic hydrocarbon:

D. Organic Compounds Containing halogens (Haloalkanes and Haloarenes) :


Organic compounds containing Oxygen:

  • Alcohols:  Methanol and ethanol (from fermentation).
  • Ether: Diethlyether. Aldehydes and ketones: Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone.
  • Carboxylic acids and their derivatives.
  • Phenol, Benzaldehyde, benzoic acid, salicylic acid, anthracitic acid, Acidity of carboxylic acid and phenol, the effect of the substituent are on the acidity of carboxylic acid.


A. Organic compounds containing nitrogen:

  • Nitrobenzene.
  • Amines
  • B.Polymers:

C. Introduction of Biomolecules:

  • Carbohydrates


A. Environmental Chemistry:

B. Application Oriented Chemistry:

C. Principles of qualitative analysis::

a) Acid Radicals: Cl-, S2-, So24, NO3, Co23

b) Basic Radicals: Cu2+, Al3+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Mg2+, Na+, NH 4 +

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TJEE 2024 Mathematics Syllabus

The syllabus is divided into 10 modules each consisting of several topics. The modules are as follows:


  • Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI
  • Arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions.
  • Theory of quadratic equations
  • Complex numbers
  • Permutation and combination


  • Binomial Theorem
  • Infinite series
  • Matrices and determinants
  • Determinants up to third order, Properties of determinants, Minors and cofactors, application of determinants for evaluation of area of a triangle and solution of a system of linear equations by using Cramer’s rule.
  • Inverse of a 2 X 2 matrix, simple applications.
  • Probability Theory.


  • Trigonometric ratios of associated angles, compound angles, multiple and submultiples angles, conditional identities, general solution of trigonometric equations, inverse circular functions. Simple applications.


  • Properties of triangles
  • Co-ordinate geometry.


  • Circle
  • Conics.


  • Differential calculus.
  • Concept of the limit of a function at a point, right and left-hand limits. Evaluation of limits using standard limits and not by using L-Hospital’s Theorem.
  • Concept of continuity of a function.


  • Integral calculus


  • Definite integral.
  • Differential Equation


  • Significanace of  Dy/ dx 
  • Derivative as a rate measure.
  • Calculation of approximate value and error.
  • Increasing and decreasing functions. Tangents and normal.
  • Maxima and minima :
  • Determination of maxima and minima of a function by using
  • (i) First order derivative only, (ii) first and second-order derivatives.
  • Determination of area :
  • Calculation of the area of a closed region. Simple applications.


  • Relations & Mapping.
  • Vectors

TJEE 2024 Biology Syllabus

The syllabus is divided into 10 modules each consisting of several topics. The modules are as follows:


  • Tools (Compound microscope & Electron microscope
  • Definition of Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic cells with example and comparison between them.
  • Structural organization of eukaryotic cells with special reference to
  • Cell function :


  • Photosynthesis (Major photosynthetic pigments, Dark and light reactions, the basic idea of bacterial photosynthesis C3, C4 & CAM pathways).
  • Basic mode of plant nutrition (only types). Basic constituents of food and their nutritional significances Vitamins (chemical names, dietary sources and deficiency symptoms), Provitamins, Pseudovitamins and Antivitamins.
  • Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats (classification with example)
  • Enzymes - its characteristics, classification with an example, Mechanism of action, Allosterism and Regulation.
  • Basal metabolism and BMR, Elementary idea about metabolic pathways (glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycolysis and Krebs’s cycle. Beta oxidation of fatty acid, ketone body formation & its significance, deamination and transamination with their significances). Ornithine cycle (Flowsheet only).


  • Taxonomy & classification.
  • Concepts of Biodiversity
  • The population of Biology.
  • Special physiology


  • Viruses and Bacteria
  • Plant breeding.
  • Immunology


  • Evolution
  • Ecosystem.
  • Conservation
  • Environmental pollution


  • Economically important plants.
  • Economic zoology
  • Medical zoology
  • Pest and their management


  • Plant hormones.
  • Endocrine system.
  • Growth, Metamorphosis and Ageing
  • Reproduction and Developmental Biology


  • Chromosome and DNA
  • Mendelism
  • Mutation

MODULE - 9 (Life system - 1)

  • Digestion
  • Nervous system
  • Muscle Tissue

MODULE - 10 (Life system - 2)

  • Circulation
  • Excretion
  • Scope, importance and applications of Biology

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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