Space Travel Equipment: Exploring the space

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Jasmine Grover

Content Strategy Manager

Space travel equipment is needed for spacecraft as it travels through space in order to keep the crew safe. They should be technologically advanced and should have multiple features so that the crew inside can work properly while also remaining safe and sound. A spacecraft mainly demands a reliable kind of system which operates soundly even when it is away from home. It should also have a lightweight system so that the rocket can carry the same with it when it goes to space. Space travel equipment should have multiple facilities that can be used by the astronauts in case of any emergency. 

Key Takeaways: Space travel, Galaxies, Universe, Planets, Rocket, Propulsion, Density, Astronomy, Space, Spacecraft, Space travel equipment, Astronauts

Spacecraft or Space Travel Equipment

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The main criteria that a spacecraft or a space travel equipment should fulfill in order to be regarded as an ideal space travel equipment are as follows:

  • It should be reliable and the system should operate properly even if it goes far away from home.
  • The instruments and equipment that will be present in the spacecraft should be highly capable of keeping the crew and astronauts alive even in case of any threat or emergency.
  • The system should be altogether lightweight so that it can easily be carried and launched with the rockets.

Spacesuit for space travel or exploration

Spacesuit for space travel or exploration

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Equipment needed for space travel

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The space travel equipment are as follows:

A system to live and breathe

As human beings travel long distances far away from Earth, there is a need for highly reliable systems which work constantly to keep them alive. These life support systems should have a minimum volume and mass. The safety measures undertaken for the safety of the crew are as follows:

  • The humidity and carbon dioxide that are present inside the space shuttle is removed from the inside in order to ensure that the air is safe for breathing for crew members or astronauts.
  • The condensation of water is prevented in the hardware of the vehicle.
    This is done to obstruct the intrusion of the water in the sensitive equipment of the spacecraft. It also prevents corrosion on the pressure structure of the equipment.
  • The compact and small spacecraft designs maximize the available space for the comfort of the crew.
    It also increases the volume that is needed in order to carry essentials and consumables, enough water and food, for the entire time of the mission which lasts for multiple days or even weeks.
  • Without a protective shell, humans can only survive up to 15 seconds in the vacuum of space.
  • The ideal space foods are the kinds that don't crumble easily.
    This is because the weightless crumbs can easily clog instruments in space and get in people's way.
  • Spacecrafts are also in need of solar sails which are known to reflect photons that eventually help them move ahead.
  • Spacecrafts also need exercise equipment as the astronauts or the crew members need to stay in shape in order to counteract the effect of gravity i.e. the zero-gravity environment in space which can result in bone and muscle atrophy. 

Read More: Motion Of Celestial Bodies In Space

Proper Propulsion

The more distance a vehicle or a spacecraft travels in space, the more capable the propulsion system of the spacecraft should be in order to maintain its route or journey with precision. It should be able to follow the path properly while also maintaining the safety of the crew.

Rocket Propulsion System

Rocket Propulsion System

  • Ability to hold off the heat

The farther the spacecraft travels in space, the more it will heat up, and the more heat is generated by it when it returns back to Earth. Hence, advanced technologies are required so that these spacecraft endure heat that is about twice the heat of molten lava and speed 30 times the speed of sound.

Radiation Protectors

Spacecrafts and other space travel equipment travel through environments of high radiation beyond the protection given by the magnetic field of the Earth. These surroundings have a huge amount of charged particles and also experience solar storms which can disrupt the working equipment of any space travel equipment.

Spacecrafts made to protect astronauts from solar radiation

Spacecrafts made to protect astronauts from solar radiation

When humans are exposed to these radiations, they might experience acute as well as chronic health problems that range from sickness to even the development of cancer in the long term.

Super High-Speed Optical Communication

Spacecrafts and space travel equipment travel far in space beyond the Global Positioning System (GPS). They travel beyond the satellites that help in communication as they orbit around the Earth. Therefore, advanced technology of constant communication and navigation is needed in these space travel equipment in order to fulfill their purposes with ease and efficiency.

  • The communication between the team working on Earth and the team exploring space is a major concern for space exploration.
  • Space is a vast field and communication that occurs between Earth and space takes a longer time than exchanging messages all across the globe. 
  • At present, it takes around 90 minutes for a photograph to get transferred from Mars back to Earth.
  • NASA is working on a project currently which makes use of laser beams in order to transfer data between the space stations present on Earth and the spacecraft.
  • Therefore, the speed will be 10 to 100 times the current available speed. If this project is feasible, photos will be transferred in just about 5 minutes.

Read More: Variable Star

Safety Tethers

Astronauts are protected from becoming space junk due to the safety tethers. Astronauts who work outside are attached through their waist to a 25-foot tether which is formed up of a webbing that is heat resistant. The spacecraft includes a cable that comes out as and when needed. 

Safety Tethers in Space

Safety Tethers in Space

  • There are various types of space travel equipment. They are specifically designed for space and should be hard against vacuum.
  • They should also be formed of a material that is resistant to high temperatures.
  • Along with that, space travel equipment should be easy to handle and operate while the person is wearing gloves.
  • Space tools and equipment are one of the challenging engineering types that have been invented till now.

The first thing required for the spacecraft to rise in space and to move into its orbit is a rocket that is packed with fuel. It usually takes over 100 kg of fuel in a rocket to launch 1 kg of spacecraft in space. Therefore, the space machines are created from materials that are less dense such as aluminum.

The vacuum and the space are filled with materials of old spacecraft and other debris. When this debris collides with the spacecraft, it can be highly dangerous. This debris can be avoided by shifting up or down to escape their path. However, it is difficult to get rid of the smaller pieces as they can not be located easily.

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Things to Remember

  • Space travel equipment should be technologically advanced and should have multiple features so that the crew inside can work properly while also remaining safe and sound.
  • As human beings travel long distances far away from Earth, there is a need for highly reliable systems which work constantly to keep them alive.
  • The more distance a vehicle or a spacecraft travels in space, the more capable the propulsion system of the spacecraft should be in order to maintain its route or journey with precision.
  • Space is a vast field and communication that occurs between Earth and space takes a longer time than exchanging messages all across the globe. 
  • The first thing required for the spacecraft to rise in space and to move into its orbit is a rocket that is packed with fuel.
  • Space travel equipment is specifically designed for space and should be hard against vacuum. 
  • They should also be formed of a material that is resistant to high temperatures. 
  • Along with that, the equipment used for space travel and exploration should be easy to handle and operate while the person is wearing gloves.

Previous Year Questions

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Sample Questions

Ques 1. What are spacecraft? (5 marks)

Ans. When a robot or a vehicle is designed to leave the atmosphere of the Earth to travel through space, it is known as a spacecraft. There are various different kinds of spacecraft that orbit the Earth which is sent to other planets or beyond for the purpose of space exploration. 

The spacecraft has to be designed to endure the harsh temperatures of space that can go beyond zero and get extremely high to boil the hot water. In space, there is no atmospheric pressure, therefore the spacecraft needs a hard shell that maintains the atmosphere inside the vehicle. 

Ques 2. What are the requirements of an ideal spacecraft system? (3 marks)

Ans. Spacecraft systems should be maintained with the latest technologies as they take astronauts to space to fulfill various missions for research and development purposes. An ideal spacecraft system fulfills the following properties:

  • It should be reliable and the system should operate properly even if it goes far away from home.
  • The instruments and equipment that will be present in the spacecraft should be highly capable of keeping the crew and astronauts alive even in case of any threat or emergency.
  • The system should be altogether lightweight so that it can easily be carried and launched with the rockets.

Ques 3. What are the top 5 technologies that are needed by spacecraft to survive in deep space? (5 marks)

Ans. The top technology that a spacecraft should possess to survive in deep space are as follows:

  • Systems to Live and Breathe: The system in spacecraft should be reliable with minimum volume and mass in order to keep the astronauts alive.
  • Proper propulsion: The farther away the vehicle travels in space, the more effective its propulsion system needs to be in order to maintain its orbit with precision and on time.
  • Ability to hold even excessive heat: The farther the spacecraft travels, the more heat it'll generate when it comes back to Earth. Therefore, a spacecraft needs to endure high sound and maximum temperature.
  • Protection from radiation: As the spacecraft travels beyond the magnetic field of the Earth, it will be more exposed to harsh radiations and surroundings. It should be designed in a way to protect them from harmful radiation.
  • Constant communication and navigation

Regular communication is important for missions to be executed properly. Therefore, advanced technologies are needed for constant communication and navigation between spacecraft and space stations.

Ques 4. What are the things needed for space travel? (5 marks)

Ans. To survive in space, one needs everything from food, water, to health and hygiene supplies. Space lacks air, food, water, and even gravity. Therefore, one should be prepared for harsh environments and carry things that help them survive. The spacecraft should also provide protection from harmful solar radiation. To replenish oneself thoroughly, the necessary supplies needed for space travel are as follows:

  • A spaceship

The foremost thing one needs to travel in space is a spaceship. This is because, without a protective shell, humans can survive for only about 15 seconds in the vacuum of space. Even if one manages to survive longer, the solar radiation will eventually prove to be fatal for them. An efficient spaceship is able to reuse the wastewater that its occupants generate by either transforming it into oxygen or clean water.

  • Water and Food

Water is a basic necessity for every human being to keep our bodies clean and alive. Every astronaut has their own personal supply of water.

The food that is preferred in space is usually the one that doesn't crumble and clog instruments. Weightlessness in space dulls one's sense of taste, therefore astronauts need a balanced diet with a variety of foods.

  • Hygiene and Health Supplies

Personal hygiene is as important in space as it is on Earth. Astronauts in space take showers usually with a sponge. They use soaps and shampoos that work without adding water. They need exercise machines to counter the effect of weightlessness on their leg and back muscles.

  • Music

Psychologists have found that listening to music in space can help the astronauts maintain a sense of normalcy while also maintaining their connection to Earth-bound life. 

Ques 5. What is a spacesuit? Why do astronauts need a spacesuit? (5 marks)

Ans. A space suit is a kind of small spacecraft for astronauts in space as it protects astronauts from the hazards and dangers of space. These spacesuits are really beneficial for 

  • They prevent the astronauts from being too cold or too hot.
  • They provide sufficient oxygen supply to the astronauts.
  • The spacesuits also hold drinkable water for the people working in space.
  • They protect the astronauts against space dust. 
  • The suits also contain gold line visors in order to protect the eyes of the astronaut from the bright sunlight.

A space suit has multiple parts. A part of the suit covers the chest of the astronaut while another part shields the arms and is connected to the gloves. There is also a helmet that protects the head. The last part of the suit covers the legs and feet of the astronauts. The suit is made up of different layers of materials, each of which performs different functions.

Astronauts wear another set of clothing under the spacesuit. This clothing covers their body except for the hands, head, and feet. Tubes are woven into this cloth and water flows through it to maintain the temperature and keep the astronauts cool.

On their back, the astronauts have a backpack. The backpacks hold oxygen for breathing and also remove the carbon dioxide that is breathed out by the astronaut. Electricity is also supplied to the suit through this backpack. The oxygen is moved through the spacesuit through a fan. The cooling water is also held by a water tank. 

The back of the spacesuit is connected by a tool known as the SAFER which is composed of multiple little thruster jets. This SAFER helps the astronauts fly back in case they float away from the space station.

Ques 6. What is a space station? Why is it important? (5 marks)

Ans. The space station is a huge spacecraft that is in orbit around the Earth. It serves as a home for cosmonauts and astronauts. It is also a unique scientific laboratory that travels around the Earth at 17,500 miles per hour. 

The space station has made it possible for humans to have an ongoing presence in space. The laboratories of the space station allow the crew members to discover things and perform research that can only be done there. This space research benefits humans on Earth. Scientists there also study what happens to humans when they live in microgravity for a long period of time. 

The first piece of the international space station was launched in November 1998. Over the course of the next two years, more parts were added into space where they were assembled by the astronauts. The first crew arrived in the station in the year 2000 on November 2. 

Ques 7. When did the first spacecraft go into space? (2 marks)

Ans. The first spacecraft to go into orbit around the Earth was The Soviet satellite Sputnik in October 1957. It did not have any animals or any crew members. Rather, it contained machines that sent back information to Earth through a radio. 

Ques 8. What is a space probe? (2 marks)

Ans. A space probe refers to an uncrewed spacecraft that flies out in outer space. The main purpose of a space probe is to conduct research. It has advanced equipment and cameras that send back information to Earth via radio. A space probe may land on planets, the moon, or other astronomical bodies. It may go into their orbit or fly past them. The first successful space probe was done in 1959 with the Luna 1 by the Soviets that went around the surface of the moon and then the sun between the orbit of Earth and Mars.

Ques 9. What tools do the astronauts use? 

Ans. Astronauts have to carry specially designed gadgets to space. This equipment needs to be hardened against the vacuum, they should be resistant to extremely high temperatures and they should be easy to operate while wearing gloves. Some of the tools used by astronauts in space are:

  • Safety Tethers: While working in space, all astronauts do need to wear safety tethers. They are attached to the waist of the astronaut and extend up to 25 feet. The opposite end of the tether is attached to the handrails in the frame of the space station.
  • Pistol-Grip Tool: This tool is mainly composed of a handle along with an information screen. The handle has slots for batteries while the screen is used to display information on speed and torque that is adjusted by the astronaut.
  • Trace Gas Analyzer: Trace gas analyzers are located in the chest of the astronauts that detect leaking of water, gas, rocket, oxygen, fuel, and more. These leaks might otherwise go unnoticed while making repairs or during construction in space.
  • Robotic Arm: The robotic arm is mainly used to check for the damage of a shuttle. It can lift heavy equipment and is used to attach the modules of the space station. It played a very important role in the construction of the International Space Station in space.

Ques 10. Why are radiation protectors needed? (3 marks)

Ans. When the spacecraft travels beyond Earth’s magnetic field, it is exposed to harsh radiation.

  • This higher atmosphere includes greater amounts of radiation from charged particles and solar storms which causes disruptions to critical equipment.
  • Humans exposed to these radiations can experience acute and chronic health problems.

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