
If $f : R \to R$ be defined by $f(x) = e^x $ and $g : R \to R $ be defined by $g(x) = x^2$. The mapping $g of : R \to R $ be defined by $(g o f ) (x) = g[f(x)] \forall x \in R$ , Then

Updated On: Apr 27, 2024
  • $g \, of$ is bijective but f is not injective
  • $g o f$ is injective and g is injective
  • $g o f$ is injective but g is not bijective
  • $gof$ is surjective and g is surjective
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The Correct Option is C

Solution and Explanation

We have, $f: R \rightarrow R$, defined by $f(x)=e^{x}$
and $g: R \rightarrow R$ defined by $g(x)=x^{2}$
Now, We have
$(g o f)(x) =g(f(x)) $
$=g\left(e^{x}\right) $
$=\left(e^{x}\right)^{2} $
$=e^{2 x}, \forall x \in R$
$\Rightarrow gof$ is injective and $g$ is neither injective nor surjective.
$\Rightarrow gof$ is injective but $g(x)$ is not bijective.
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Concepts Used:

Types of Functions

Types of Functions

One to One Function

A function is said to be one to one function when f: A → B is One to One if for each element of A there is a distinct element of B. 

Many to One Function

A function which maps two or more elements of A to the same element of set B is said to be many to one function. Two or more elements of A have the same image in B.

Onto Function

If there exists a function for which every element of set B there is (are) pre-image(s) in set A, it is Onto Function. 

One – One and Onto Function

A function, f is One – One and Onto or Bijective if the function f is both One to One and Onto function.

Read More: Types of Functions