There will be annual programs including prize distribution and freshers party.You get get any type of book from the library and it is easily accessible. The facilities you will get a air condition in every class with water coolers .there will also sports conference annually held in college
Male : female 20:10 Fresher parties, lohouri party, intro party, farewell 2 workshops per year Cultural society is good there is no discrimination between girlsand boys. Fresher party is too much goid and given by seniors. Lohouri party held by the juniors.
No extracurricular activities are performed all th funds received by the college is distributed among teacher. No ground for any sports activity. And if i talk about the labs we have three labs anatomy physiology and biochemistry.
Extracurricular activities like conference which is held in Various states and district. In these conference student perform their participation Different colleges students come to these conferences. Labs is for biochemistry lab , physiology lab ,anatomy lab ,gym etc facility are provided by our college