Best QS ranked Engineering Universities/Colleges in USA - Rankings, Programs, Fees, Admission Process, Scholarships
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Found 222 universities
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CD RankCollege InfoTuition Fees & living Cost(Avg.)Top CoursesRanking & Reviews
#201University of Maryland logo

University of Maryland, Baltimore

Maryland, Usa52%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $55.2K/YrAdmission M.S Medical and Research Technol...TOEFL80PTE68$55.2K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
9.2/10(2 Users)
#202Wesleyan University logo

Wesleyan University, Middletown

Connecticut, Usa17.4%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $49.9K/YrLiving$14.5K/YrAdmission M.A Computer ScienceIELTS7$33K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
1 More Program
#203Babson College logo

Babson College, Wellesley

Massachusetts, Usa26%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $57.2K/YrLiving$20.8K/YrAdmission B.A/B.S Technology Entrepreneurs...TOEFL100PTE65$57.2K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
6.7/10(4 Users)
#204Smith College logo

Smith College, Northampton

Massachusetts, Usa37.2%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $61.3K/YrLiving$16.7K/YrAdmission B.S Computer ScienceIELTS6.5$61.3K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
1 More Program
8.3/10(1 User)
#205Claremont Graduate University logo

Claremont Graduate University, Claremont

California, Usa35%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $72.7K/YrAdmission M.S Information Systems and Tech...GMAT630IELTS7PTE66$72.7K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
#206Rhode Island School of Design logo

Rhode Island School of Design, Providence

Rhode Island, Usa31%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $58.7K/YrLiving$13K/YrAdmission B.F.A TextilesDuolingo115IELTS6.5$58.7K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
5.3/10(2 Users)
#207University of Pacific logo

University of Pacific, Stockton

California, Usa66%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $52.4K/YrLiving$13.4K/YrAdmission M.S Computer ScienceDuolingo110TOEFL80$48.1K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
5+ More Programs
#208University of Minnesota logo

University of Minnesota, Morris

Minnesota, Usa59.8%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $37.8K/YrLiving$8.1K/YrAdmission B.A Computer ScienceDuolingo105IELTS5.5PTE53$37.8K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
#209California Institute of the Arts logo

California Institute of the Arts, Valencia

California, Usa30%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $54.4K/YrLiving$11.8K/YrAdmission M.F.A Art and TechnologyIELTS7$54.4K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
2+ More Programs
#210Brigham Young University - Idaho logo

Brigham Young University - Idaho, Rexburg

Idaho, Usa99.6%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $8.6K/YrLiving$4.6K/YrAdmission B.S Computer EngineeringIELTS6.0PTE46$8.6K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
10+ More Programs
9.0/10(2 Users)
#211Savannah College of Art and Design logo

Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah

Georgia, Usa69.9%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $41.1K/YrLiving$14.2K/YrAdmission B.F.A Industrial DesignIELTS6.5PTE58$41.1K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
8.5/10(2 Users)
#212School of Art Institute of Chicago logo

School of Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

Illinois, Usa66.5%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $56.6K/YrLiving$13.9K/YrAdmission M.F.A Art and Technology StudiesDuolingo120IELTS7PTE65$57.8K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
1 More Program
#213University of Nebraska logo

University of Nebraska, Kearney

Nebraska, Usa81%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $14.3K/YrLiving$10K/YrAdmission B.S Computer Science and Informa...IELTS5.5PTE51$14.3K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
3+ More Programs
9.7/10(4 Users)
#214California College of the Arts logo

California College of the Arts, Oakland

California, Usa64.9%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $57.1K/YrLiving$12.7K/YrAdmission B.F.A Industrial DesignDuolingo120IELTS6.5$57.1K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
7.0/10(1 User)
#215ArtCenter College of Design logo

ArtCenter College of Design, Pasadena

California, Usa69.3%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $53.1K/YrLiving$13.5K/YrAdmission B.A/B.S Interaction DesignIELTS6.5$53.1K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
#216Stanford Graduate School of Business logo

Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford

California, Usa5.7%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $61.1K/YrLiving$55.9K/YrAdmission Ph.D Operations Information and ...GRE328TOEFL100PTE68$61.1K/Yr
Course duration: 5 years
#217Stern School of Business logo

Stern School of Business, New York City

New York, Usa7%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $62.8K/YrAdmission B.Sc Business, Technology and En...SAT1350TOEFL90PTE62$62.8K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
7.7/10(1 User)
#218Johnson Graduate School of Management logo

Johnson Graduate School of Management, Ithaca

New York, Usa30%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $109.8K/YrLiving$15.2K/YrAdmission M.Eng/M.B.AGMAT700IELTS7PTE70$109.8K/Yr
Course duration: 3 years
#219Tepper School of Business logo

Tepper School of Business, Pittsburgh

Pennsylvania, Usa28.8%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $55.8K/YrLiving$17.9K/YrAdmission B.A Business TechnologyIELTS7.5$64.6K/Yr
Course duration: 3 years
1 More Program
#220Mendoza College of Business logo

Mendoza College of Business, Notre Dame

Indiana, Usa48%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $63.5K/YrAdmission M.B.A/M.EngGRE323TOEFL100PTE70$63.5K/Yr
Course duration: 5 years
#221Questrom School of Business logo

Questrom School of Business, Boston

Massachusetts, Usa51%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $66.7K/YrAdmission M.B.A/M.S Digital TechnologyGMAT650IELTS6.5$66.7K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
1 More Program
#222Neeley School of Business logo

Neeley School of Business, Fort Worth

Texas, Usa49%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $59.5K/YrAdmission M.B.A EnergyGMAT500IELTS7PTE68$59.5K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years