Alisha Kushe Review at Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff | Collegedunia

Studying in an affordable city

The city was affordable and the university fees for my course were comparatively lesser than other universities.

Course Curriculum :

My course was very nice. We were taught very practical things in the lectures and seminars. Because of Covid, we couldn't finish any lab work and that was a bit disappointing.

Exams :

I did not take any standardized tests I just had a 5-minute telephonic interview with an international counselor and was asked a few questions about the university.

Placement :

No companies visited and we were supposed to do all the research for jobs on our own. Only 5 international students out of 43 got placed and 2 of them were placed because of the course director's help.

Internship :

No, I didn't get an internship.

Events :

Because of Covid not a lot of Events or Extracurricular activities could happen but whatever happened before Covid was amazing and we had a lot of fun. The library resources were also good and students without laptops were able to carry laptops home for 2 weeks without any charge.

Fees :

13000 GBP is the program fee.

Scholarship :

No, I didn't receive any scholarship.

Faculty :

For our research project, we had almost 10 professors and students in our class were 48. The professors were amazing except a few of them were biased and that was not really helpful.

Hostel :

I did not live in the university accommodation. I lived in shared accommodation with 8 other students from the same university.

5.7 out of 10