Best Universities/Colleges in Study Abroad - Rankings, Programs, Fees, Admission Process, Scholarships
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Found 654 universities
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#651Glasgow School of Art logo

Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow

Scotland, Uk20%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $32.3K/Yr (£24,480/Yr)Admission B.A/B.S Civil Engineering with A...IELTS6.5$39.9K/Yr
Course duration: 5 years
2+ More Programs
#652University of Derby Arts, Humanities and Education College logo

University of Derby Arts, Humanities and Education College, Derby

England, Uk80%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $20.4K/Yr (£15,428/Yr) B.A/B.S Architectural Design$21.1K/Yr
Course duration: 3 years
1 More Program
#653Beacom School of Business logo

Beacom School of Business, Vermillion

South Dakota, Usa87%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $12.9K/YrAdmission B.A/B.S EconomicsIELTS6.0PTE47$12.9K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
#654Weatherhead School of Management logo

Weatherhead School of Management, Cleveland

Ohio, Usa68%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $66K/YrAdmission B.A/B.SIELTS7$66K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years