SGPA to Percentage Calculator: Formula & How to Calculate SGPA to Percentage?

SGPA to Percentage Calculator: Formula & How to Calculate SGPA to Percentage?

SGPA to Percentage: It is important to understand your academic performance when applying to universities abroad. While universities often use Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) to represent your performance in a particular semester, some institutions and scholarship programs require your grades in a percentage format. Many universities abroad request academic transcripts with percentages. Since SGPA is the prevalent system in some institutions, SGPA to percentage conversion becomes necessary to understand your achievements. It ensures a standardized way for universities to evaluate your performance across different grading systems.

This article will guide you through the conversion process from SGPA to percentage to understand your academic standing.

SGPA to Percentage

The formula used to convert SGPA to percentage is as follows -

  1. Multiply your SGPA by 10: This scales your SGPA to a 100-point system, which is the basis for percentages.
  2. Subtract 7.5 from the result: This accounts for the difference in base scores between SGPA systems and percentages.

Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

SGPA to Percentage Calculator

What is SGPA?

SGPA, or Semester Grade Point Average, is a numerical representation of your academic performance in a given semester. Universities in India typically calculate SGPA on a scale of 0.0 to 10.0, with higher values indicating better performance.

Example: ​Let's say your SGPA for a semester is 9.2. Here's how to convert it to a percentage:

  1. (SGPA x 10) = (9.2 x 10) = 92
  2. Percentage = 92 - 7.5 = 84.5%

Therefore, your SGPA of 9.2 translates to a percentage of 84.5%.

Check Out: How to Calculate SGPA?

Elements of SGPA

SGPA, or Semester Grade Point Average, provides a snapshot of your academic performance in a semester. But what goes into calculating this metric? Let's break down the key elements:

  • Grades: This refers to the letter grades (A, B, C, etc.) you receive in each course, representing your understanding level of the subject.
  • Grade Points: Each letter grade has a corresponding numerical value assigned to it, reflecting the quality of your performance in that course.
    • The point system can vary between institutions, so it's important to consult your university's grading scale.
  • Credit Hours: Every course carries a certain number of credit hours. These hours represent the time dedicated to classroom instruction and lab work.
    • Courses with higher workload have more associated credit hours.

How to Calculate SGPA?

Let us look at a simplified process for the calculation of the SGPA:

  1. Multiply the grade point for each course by its corresponding credit hours. This gives you a "weighted grade point" for each course.
  2. Sum up the weighted grade points from all your courses.
  3. Divide the sum by the total number of credit hours you took in the semester.

This final result is your SGPA. It provides a single, numerical value that summarizes your academic performance for that particular semester.


Assume you have taken three courses in a semester with the following grades and credit hours:

  • Course 1: Grade = A (4.0), Credit Hours = 3
  • Course 2: Grade = B (3.0), Credit Hours = 4
  • Course 3: Grade = C (2.0), Credit Hours = 2

Step-by-Step Calculation: Calculate the grade points for each course:

  1. Course 1: 4.0 * 3 = 12.0
  2. Course 2: 3.0 * 4 = 12.0
  3. Course 3: 2.0 * 2 = 4.0

Sum the grade points: Total Grade Points = 12.0 + 12.0 + 4.0 = 28.0
Sum the credit hours: Total Credit Hours Attempted = 3 + 4 + 2 = 9
Calculate the SGPA: SGPA = 28.0 / 9 = 3.11
So, the SGPA for the semester would be 3.11.

Why Convert SGPA to Percentage?

There are several reasons why you might need to convert your SGPA to a percentage:

  • Standardization of Academic Records: Converting SGPA to a percentage standardizes your academic records, making it easier for foreign institutions to understand and evaluate your academic performance.
  • Admission Requirements: Many universities abroad, especially in countries like the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia, often specify their admission criteria in percentage or GPA. Converting your SGPA to a percentage ensures that you meet these specified criteria.
  • Scholarship Eligibility: Scholarships often have specific academic performance requirements, usually expressed in percentage terms. Converting your SGPA to a percentage can help determine your eligibility for these financial aids.
  • Transparency and Comparability: Percentage scores are more universally understood than SGPA. This transparency and comparability can be crucial for admission committees when comparing applicants from different educational backgrounds.
  • Ease of Application Process: Some application systems or forms may require academic scores in percentage terms.

Having your SGPA converted simplifies applying to universities to study abroad efficiently.

Check Out: How to get scholarships to study abroad?

How to Convert SGPA to Percentage?: A Simple Formula

Here's the formula to convert your SGPA to a percentage:

SGPA into Percentage Formula: Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

For example, if your SGPA is 8.2:

  • Percentage = (8.2 x 10) - 7.5
  • Percentage = 82 - 7.5
  • Percentage = 74.5

Therefore, your SGPA of 8.2 translates to approximately 74.5%.

SGPA to Percentage: Step-by-Step Conversion

Imagine you received the following grades and credit hours in a semester:

Subject Letter Grade Grade Point (UGC System) Credit Hours
Mathematics A 9.0 4
Physics B+ 8.5 3
Chemistry B 8.0 3
English Literature A - 8.7 3
History B 8.0 3

Step 1: Calculate Weighted Grade PointsMultiply the grade point for each subject by its corresponding credit hours:

  • Mathematics: 9.0 x 4 = 36.0
  • Physics: 8.5 x 3 = 25.5
  • Chemistry: 8.0 x 3 = 24.0
  • English Literature: 8.7 x 3 = 26.1
  • History: 8.0 x 3 = 24.0

Step 2: Find the Sum of Weighted Grade Points.

Add the weighted grade points from all subjects: 36.0 (Math) + 25.5 (Physics) + 24.0 (Chemistry) + 26.1 (English Literature) + 24.0 (History) = 135.6

Step 3: Calculate Total Credit Hours

Sum the credit hours from all subjects: 4 (Math) + 3 (Physics) + 3 (Chemistry) + 3 (English Literature) + 3 (History) = 16

Step 4: Calculate SGPA

Divide the sum of weighted grade points by the total credit hours: 135.6 / 16 = 8.475 (round to two decimal places)

Step 5: Convert SGPA to Percentage

Use the formula: Percentage = (SGPA x 10) - 7.5

Percentage = (8.48 x 10) - 7.5 = 77.3% (round to one decimal place)

Therefore, your SGPA for this semester is 8.48, which translates to a percentage of 77.3%.

Letter Grades Approved by UGC

The University Grants Commission (UGC) recommends a standardized grading system for universities in India. This system uses letter grades to represent student performance. Here's the table outlining the approved letter grades and their corresponding grade points:

SGPA Percentage
10.0 92.5%
9.5 87.5%
9.0 82.5%
8.5 77.5%
8.0 72.5%
7.5 67.5%
7.0 62.5%
6.5 57.5%
6.0 52.5%
5.5 47.5%
5.0 42.5%

Difference between SGPA and CGPA

Let us understand the differences between SGPA and CGPA -

SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average):

  • Reflects your academic performance in a single semester.
  • Calculated by considering both your grades in each subject and the credit weightage of those subjects.
  • Provides a snapshot of your academic progress for a specific term.

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average):

  • Represents your overall academic performance throughout your program (usually calculated after every year).
  • Takes into account the SGPA from each semester you've completed.
  • Offers a more comprehensive picture of your academic standing.

Here's a table summarizing the key differences:

Time Single Semester Entire Program (cumulative)
Calculation Based on grades and credit hours in a specific semester The sum of SGPA from all semesters divided by total semesters
Purpose Gauges performance within a semester Reflects overall academic achievement

While understanding SGPA to percentage conversion can help get a general idea of your academic standing, it's crucial to remember this conversion might not be universally applicable. For the most accurate conversion in the context of studying abroad, it's essential to consult the university or program you're applying to. They will have an official conversion policy that ensures a fair and standardized evaluation of your academic record. By following their guidelines, you can ensure your SGPA is accurately represented in your application for studies abroad.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ques. Is there a fixed conversion table for SGPA to a percentage?

Ans. No, there's no standard conversion table because the formula takes the specific SGPA value into account.

Ques. Can the conversion formula vary across universities?

Ans. The formula we discussed (SGPA x 10 - 7.5) is generally accepted by most universities in India. However, it's always recommended to double-check with your university if you have any doubts.

Ques. How important is a high percentage compared to a good SGPA?

Ans. While a high percentage reflects strong academic performance, focusing solely on percentages might not paint the whole picture. A good SGPA demonstrates consistent effort and understanding throughout the semester. Ultimately, both measures contribute to your overall academic record.

Ques. What is SGPA?

Ans. SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average. It's a metric used in some educational systems (often in India) to calculate a student's average performance across all subjects in a particular semester.


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