SOP for Economics: Sample, Guidelines & Writing Tips

SOP for Economics: Sample, Guidelines & Writing Tips

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SOP for Economics demand applicants to highlight their personal interest, academic achievements, and intellectual curiosity. While an SOP is an integral part of the application package at the graduate level, it is rarely required from undergraduate applicants. None the less, if you are applying for any admission in any top in the world, it is recommended to submit a well-written statement of purpose.

SOP for Economics: Guidelines

Your SOP for Economics will be slightly different than other programs, in terms of content, structure, and chosen university abroad. Some of these major differences listed below:

  • Unlike for Sciences and Arts courses, your statement for Economics must heavily focus on your academic discipline, thereby, outlining the intention of choosing particular academic disciplines for the next 3-4 years.
  • Pre-requite coursework in high-level Mathematics is a core requirement for those seeking admission into an Economics program. Even though your transcripts and applications are evidence for this requirement, students are suggested to emphasize on their Mathematics knowledge while formulating their SOP for Economics.
  • Work and life experiences are highly significant for graduate applicants. Furthermore, few universities such as the University of Toronto, UBC, etc, ask you to present research work as well.

Now that you have a basic idea of what to incorporate, check out a sample statement of Purpose for Economics for Queen’s University in Canada.

SOP for Economics at Top Universities

Formats, questions, and requirements for top universities for economics abroad that requires SOP for Economics are stated below:

Universities SOP Requirements
Stanford University One file, single-spaced, and should not exceed two pages in length. Applicants are advised to use the Western European font or other English-language settings.
Harvard University

In the SOP for Economics, applicants are required to:

  • Explain how life and career experiences have influenced the decision to undertake a graduate study in Economics
  • Explain goals in studying Economics at the graduate level
  • Give a clear picture of intellectual profile that talks about how the applicant has formulated research topics, pursue them, and state out interesting findings in the research
University of Oxford SOP for Economics should be between 500 to 1,000 words and it should be written in English.
University of British Columbia

‘Statement of Intent’ or ‘Statement of Interest’, or ‘Description of Research Interests’.  Applicants should satisfy the following questions in the SOP:

  • What is your specific area of academic interest and research topic would love to work on?
  • How have your previous education, qualifications, and experiences prepared you to be successful in this program?
  • What do you hope to achieve in this Masters of Arts in Economics program?
  • Why do you think that this program and school are the best program and school for you to pursue your goals and interests respectively?
University of Melbourne The University requires an SOP in Economics not to be more than 500 pages long.
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Motivation Letter which is required to be in English with a length of 2,000 to 3,000 words. The letter should answer the following questions:

  • Application’s goals in pursuing the program as the graduate studies (for graduate applicants)
  • Why the applicant would like to complete the program in Economics at LMU Munich

Also Check Out Country-Wise SOPs:

SOP for Economics: Sample

Since I was a kid, I've been really into understanding things through numbers. From figuring out card game outcomes to moving through school faster than usual, my love for math has been a big part of my learning journey. Combining this interest with a curiosity about how economics works in the real world, I've decided to pursue a Master's degree in Economics.

My journey started with a Bachelor's in Economics and a double major in Statistics from Peking University, a well-known school. This set the stage for my curiosity, pushing me to dig into the connections between economics and stats. During my time there, I got recognized for my hard work and even earned the "Excellent Graduate of Peking University" honor.

Econometrics, which is about discovering economic insights from actual data, really caught my attention. I saw it as a perfect mix of my interests – sort of a bridge between economics and stats. This interest led me to study for my Master's at Guanghua School of Management, where I kept excelling and even got a scholarship for my good performance.

Wanting to dive even deeper into learning, I took on a PhD at Ohio State University. Adapting to a new academic environment was a bit tough, but I saw it as a chance to learn from really smart people from all around the world. Remembering what Albert Einstein said about interest being the best teacher, I focused on a thing called spatial econometrics, guided by Professor Lung-fei Lee. This was really cool because it's a fresh field that shows up in lots of places like economics and social sciences.

My research path has had some cool achievements, like getting published in important journals. Working together with Professor Lee, we explored how things are connected in space and how this affects economies. Right now, I'm tackling a complex paper about estimating certain models, which is a challenge I'm excited to take on.

Outside of school stuff, I've been hands-on in the real world. As a Research Assistant for Professor John Kagel in Experimental Economics, I got to practice running economic experiments and looking at data. This hands-on experience will help me connect my academic knowledge to real-life economic situations.

My dreams involve making a positive impact in the field of economics, especially in my home country. I truly believe that through education and research, we can create meaningful changes. Inspired by my teachers, I aim to inspire students by teaching and conducting valuable research. The vibrant academic environment at your university aligns perfectly with my goals.

The decision to study abroad is driven by my eagerness for personal growth and experiencing different parts of the world. The UK is renowned for its excellent academic programs, particularly in economics, and it plays a significant role in the global economy. This experience will broaden my perspectives and introduce me to diverse cultures.

To wrap it up, my journey from doing math puzzles as a kid to diving into research has been guided by my curiosity and love for economics. Looking ahead to my Master's in Economics, I'm excited to tackle challenges, contribute new ideas, and be a part of making the economic future even brighter.

Also Check Out Other SOP Samples:

SOP for Economics is not very different from other SOPs bar the fact that experiences in life and work are extremely important for the applicant to explain. The applicant should only mention activities and experiences relating to the specialization or program unless it is otherwise stated by the institution. In synopsis, SOPs are generally simple, straight forward, and doesn't have a plethora of special requirements like the SOP for MBA; applicants just need to follow the university’s guidelines religiously.

