How to Calculate SGPA?

How to Calculate SGPA?


  • SGPA is the calculation of credit points secured in the semester divided by the credits secured in the semester
  • SGPA score of 8 and above is considered good in a semester.
  • Grading system can be different for different nations, the grading points can be out of 4.0, 7.0 or 10.0 scale.

SGPA is individually calculated at the end of each term or semester to evaluate the scores and credits earned by a student. SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) plays a crucial role in evaluating a student’s academic growth.

Understanding how to calculate SGPA is essential for all undergraduate, postgraduate students seeking admission in a different institution. In this article, we’ll break down the process step by step.

How to Calculate SGPA

What is SGPA?

SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average. It is individually calculated at the end of each term or semester to evaluate the scores and credits earned. Here’s the formula for SGPA:

SGPA= Credit Points Secured in the Semester/Credits Secured in the Semester

How to Calculate SGPA?

In this section, we’ll try to understand the process of calculating SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average). But before we dive into that, let’s get familiar with a few terms related to SGPA:

  • Semester:
    • An academic year is divided into one or more semesters (sessions).
    • During each semester, specific courses are taught to students.
    • Universities and colleges use semesters to organize the academic calendar, allowing students to focus on one chunk of learning at a time.
  • Grade Point:
    • Your performance assessment for a particular course is represented by the Grade Point.
    • It reflects your understanding of the coursework demonstrated during the semester.
    • A high grade indicates a strong grasp of the subject, while a low grade point suggests room for improvement.
  • Credit Points:
    • Credit points measure your study load.
    • Each subject is assigned a specific number of credit points based on the hours spent studying it over a given period.
    • Completing a certain number of credit points is a requirement for each course’s final examination.

Calculating SGPA: Step by Step

Let’s make SGPA calculation easy with the following steps:

  1. Gather Information:
    • Write down your credit points and grades for each subject. For example:
      • Subject A: Credit Points = 4, Grade = 9
      • Subject B: Credit Points = 2, Grade = 8.8
      • Subject C: Credit Points = 3, Grade = 8
      • Subject D: Credit Points = 2, Grade = 7
  2. Calculate Weighted Scores:
    • Multiply the credit points of each subject by the corresponding grade:
      • Subject A: (4*9 = 36)
      • Subject B: (2*8.8 = 17.6)
      • Subject C: (3*8 = 24)
      • Subject D: (2*7 = 14)
  3. Sum Up the Scores:
    • Add all the weighted scores:
      • Total = (36 + 17.6 + 24 + 14 = 91.6)
  4. Calculate SGPA:
    • Divide the total score by the sum of all credit points:
      • Total Credits = (4 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 11)
      • SGPA = 91.6/11 = 8.32

How to Calculate SGPA: Examples 1

Let’s calculate SGPA through examples. The table below shows how to calculate SGPA for someone who has studied 5 subjects with varying credits:

Subject for Semester 1 Credit Grade Point Credit Points (Credits*Grade Point)
Subject A 4 9 36
Subject B 2 8.8 17.6
Subject C 3 8 24
Subject D 2 7 14
Subject E 4 8 32
Total Credits for Semester 1 15 Total Credit Points 123.6
  • Total Score = 123.6
  • Total Credits = 15
  • SGPA = 123.6/15 = 8.24

How to Calculate SGPA: Examples 2

The table below shows how to calculate SGPA for someone who has studied 6 subjects with varying credits

Subject for Semester 2 Credit Grade Point Credit Points (Credits*Grade Point)
Subject A 3 8 24
Subject B 2 7 14
Subject C 3 8.2 24.6
Subject D 2 8 16
Subject E 3 8 24
Subject F 2 6 12
Total Credits for Semester 2 15 Total Credit Points 114.6
  • Total Score = 114.6
  • Total Credits = 15
  • SGPA = 114.6/15 = 7.64

How to Calculate CGPA?

Following is the formula for calculating CGPA, for students with grade points for 2 semesters:

CGPA Formula = Sum of Credit Points for Semester 1 + Semester 2/ Total Number of Credits for Semester 1 and 2


  • Total Credit Points for Semester 1 + Semester 2 (123.6 + 114.6) = 238.2
  • Total Credits for Semester 1 + Semester 2 (25 +25) = 50
  • Total CGPA = 238.2/50 = 4.764


Now that you have your SGPA for 2 semesters, you can calculate your CGPA through SGPA through the following formula:

CGPA= (SGPA for Semester 1 + SGPA for Semester 2)/ Total Number of Semesters

  • SGPA for 1st Semester = 8.24
  • SGPA for 1st Semester = 7.64
  • CGPA = (8.24+7.64)/2 =7.94

How to Calculate SGPA from Marks?

Following are the steps on how to calculate SGPA from marks:

  • Write down all your marks for each subject.
  • Add all the marks.
  • Next, divide the total score you got by the sum of all the marks.
  • The number that you get is your SGPA.

How to Calculate Percentage from SGPA?

While applying for a university, you might be required to convert your SGPA score to percentage. Following is the formula to convert SGPA into percentages:

(SGPA * 10) – 7.5 = Percentage

Example: Let's say that your SGPA is 7.64, in that case your percentage would be:

(7.64*10) – 7.5 = 68.9%

Important Points on How to Calculate SGPA

Here are some points that you should keep in mind while calculating your SGPA while applying for different universities:

  1. Go through the university’s guidelines you are applying for very carefully to get a proper idea about the mechanism of scoring, conversion methods implemented.
  2. Before converting your marks or percentage into SGPA, make sure that the university actually requires it. Most universities will accept your scores the way they are.

Understanding how to calculate SGPA will help you track your academic progress effectively. Calculating SGPA can be different for different institutions, so always refer to your university’s specific guidelines.


Ques. How do we calculate SGPA?

Ans. SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average. It is individually calculated at the end of each term or semester to evaluate the scores and credits earned. Here’s the formula for SGPA:

SGPA= Credits Secured in the Semester/Credit Points Secured in the Semester

Ques. How much is 7.5 SGPA?

Ans. 7.5 SGPA is around 67%. Following is a SGPA to percentage conversion table:

SGPA Percentage
7.8 70.5%
7.7 69.5%
7.6 68.5%
7.5 67.5%

Ques. Which SGPA is first class?

Ans. SGPA between 6.0 to 7.0 is considered to be first class, while SGPA above 9.0 is considered First Class – Exemplary

9.5-10.0 O+ First Class – Exemplary *
9.0 and above but below 9.5 O
8.5 and above but below 9.0 D++ First Class with Distinction *
8.0 and above but below 8.5 D+
7.5 and above but below 8.0 D
7.0 and above but below 7.5 A++ First Class
6.5 and above but below 7.0 A+
6.0 and above but below 6.5 A

Ques. How to convert total marks into SGPA?

Ans. Following are the steps to convert total marks into SGPA:

  • Write down the credit points for each semester.
  • Multiply this credit point by the grade you achieved in that subject.
  • Add all the scores.
  • Divide the total score by the sum of all credit points.
  • The value you get after all these is your SGPA.

Ques. How to calculate SGPA of 6 subjects?

Ans. To find out your SGPA for 6 subjects, you need to take all your credit points obtained in a semester for all the subjects and then divide the sum by the total credit points of the semester. This works the same for any number of subjects that you have in a semester.


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