How do I go about choosing between JNU and DSE for MA Economics?

1 Answer

Salini Roy Posted On - Oct 18, 2021
M.A. Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University (2018)

Both the courses are distinct from one another.

At DSE, they train you rigorously in mathematics. And this is an important part of your journey but that is about the only part DSE focuses on. Economic theory at DSE will give you an edge over a lot of other institutions and get your foot in the door inside a lot of big names in finance.

Now coming to JNU, they don’t give a lot of emphasis on Maths but they make sure you read a lot more than you will read at DSE. This means you build a well-rounded view of the world and how economies function. This is a good thing as it will help you very much in mainstream research and things like journalism where you need to know a lot of things. 

Also, at JNU reading thoroughly is a part of the curriculum which is not the same in DSE. With the curriculum at JNU, you will discover different schools of thought and learn to think for yourself. 

Overall, choosing JNU will be better.



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