Mr. Abhilash, MD at Transglobe School of Logistics and Aviation Management is an entrepreneur with extensive experience in education management. He has been instrumental in leading the organization toward success for over 8 years. Under his leadership, TransGlobe has flourished as a reputed educational institution in India, offering quality courses in various disciplines. In addition to his role at TransGlobe, Abhilash is also the Managing Director of Digiacharya Pvt Ltd, a self-employed venture he established in December 2016. This venture focuses on providing innovative digital learning solutions, catering to the evolving needs of students and professionals in the education sector. Prior to his entrepreneurial ventures, Abhilash was associated with Infos Connect Consultants Pvt Ltd as the Managing Director since January 2014. This role allowed him to utilize his leadership skills and industry knowledge to provide valuable consulting services in the education sector. Mr. Abhilash’s educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Anna University. He also holds an MBA with a specialization in International Business from Sikkim Manipal University - Distance Education. With his extensive experience in education management, Abhilash has made significant contributions to the field. His visionary approach, combined with a strong focus on quality education and innovative solutions, has helped shape the success of the organizations he has been associated with.

Transglobe School of Logistics

How would you describe your leadership style?

We at Trans Globe recognize the importance of inspiring and motivating our team members to reach their full potential. Through transformational leadership, they foster an environment of personal growth, encouraging individuals to develop their skills and abilities in the logistics and aviation industry.

Collaborative leadership plays a crucial role at Trans Globe, we understand the significance of teamwork and collaboration in achieving organizational goals. We promote a culture of open communication, active listening, and valuing diverse perspectives. By involving team members in decision-making processes, and encouraging collaboration, they create a sense of ownership and collective responsibility. 

What do you see as the college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

The greatest strength of Trans Globe - School of Logistics and Aviation Management lies in its commitment to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. This emphasis on practical learning is vital in the field of logistics and aviation, where real-world experience and industry-specific skills are highly valued. By providing students with hands-on training, internships, and industry collaborations, Trans Globe enables them to develop a deep understanding of the practical challenges and complexities they will face in their future careers. This approach equips students with the confidence, adaptability, and problem-solving skills necessary to thrive in the dynamic and fast-paced logistics and aviation sectors.

To enhance this strength, Trans Globe can consider further strengthening its industry connections and partnerships. Collaborating with leading logistics and aviation companies, airlines, and organizations can provide students with even more opportunities for internships, practical projects, and real-world exposure. By engaging industry professionals as guest speakers, mentors, or adjunct faculty, Trans Globe can also ensure that the curriculum remains relevant and up-to-date with the latest industry trends and practices. Additionally, investing in state-of-the-art facilities and simulation equipment can offer students realistic training experiences and simulate challenging scenarios they may encounter in their future careers. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, for Trans Globe?

One of the biggest challenges faced by higher education, in general, is the rising cost of education. This challenge also applies to Trans Globe - School of Logistics and Aviation Management. As expenses continue to increase, the institute faces the need to manage its costs effectively while providing quality education to its students. Striking a balance between affordability and maintaining high standards of education becomes crucial in order to ensure accessibility to a wide range of students from diverse economic backgrounds. Trans Globe may need to explore innovative strategies to provide courses at a low cost without compromising on the quality of education and the resources required to deliver comprehensive training in the fields of logistics and aviation management. By finding ways to optimize resources, streamline operations, and explore potential partnerships or funding options, Trans Globe can address this challenge and continue to offer valuable education to aspiring students without excessive financial burden.

Check Transglobe School of Logistics & Aviation Management Courses & Fees

What do you think should be Trans Globe’s top priority over the next 10 years?

The primary priority of the institute in the next 10 years is to ensure maximum quality placements for its students. The institute aims to establish strong connections with industry partners, enhance career services, and provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen fields. By focusing on facilitating successful placements, the institute aims to secure bright and prosperous futures for its graduates.

Regarding new courses, the institute currently does not have any planned additions to its existing course offerings. However, it is actively engaged in conducting training courses in low-success opportunity management, evaluation, and hospitality programs. These training courses are designed to equip students with specialized skills and expertise in these areas, thereby enhancing their employability and opening up diverse career opportunities.

The institute is committed to delivering quality education and training by utilizing effective methodologies and staying up to date with industry trends. By adopting innovative teaching practices and providing hands-on training experiences, the institute aims to produce competent and industry-ready professionals. The focus on quality courses and training methodology is expected to attract a high number of placement opportunities for students, ensuring their successful entry into the job market.

Overall, the institute’s priority in the next decade is to maintain a strong emphasis on quality placements, while also offering specialized training courses and employing effective training methodologies to maximize the career prospects of its students.

Any insights into how Trans Globe could be more welcoming to students of different economic backgrounds?

Trans Globe - School of Logistics and Aviation Management takes great pride in its commitment to welcoming students from different economic backgrounds. The institute recognizes the importance of providing equal educational opportunities to all aspiring students, irrespective of their financial constraints. To address this, Trans Globe offers free education for students who do not have parents, ensuring that they have access to quality education without the burden of tuition fees. Additionally, the institute extends its support further by offering a single-parent scholarship, covering 50% of the fees, thereby easing the financial burden on students raised by single parents. By providing these avenues of support, Trans Globe ensures that students from disadvantaged economic backgrounds have the opportunity to pursue their educational aspirations and achieve their full potential. Furthermore, as part of its inclusive approach, the institute ensures that in every batch, at least one student is granted free education, making a tangible impact on the lives of deserving students and fostering an environment of equality and diversity within the institution.

How does the curriculum of Trans Globe ensure the best practice of the industry?

The curriculum at Trans Globe - School of Logistics and Aviation Management is designed to ensure the best practices of the industry by incorporating industry insights, current trends, and real-world requirements. The institute has established strong connections and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with 300 companies, allowing for valuable collaboration and exchange of knowledge.

By maintaining active ties with industry professionals and companies, Trans Globe stays informed about the evolving needs and expectations of the industry. These connections enable the institute to align its curriculum with the current industry standards, ensuring that students receive education and training that are relevant, practical, and in line with industry best practices.

Trans Globe’s curriculum development process takes into account the feedback and input received from industry partners. This collaboration ensures that the courses offered to equip students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and competencies required in the logistics and aviation sectors. The institute continuously updates its curriculum to reflect emerging trends, technological advancements, and industry demands, thereby keeping students well-prepared for their future careers.

Furthermore, Trans Globe’s strong track record of placing 1000 students over the past 10 years showcases its ability to understand and meet the expectations of companies. This successful placement record highlights the effectiveness of the institute’s curriculum in producing industry-ready graduates who are highly sought after by employers.

By actively engaging with industry partners, understanding their requirements, and incorporating that knowledge into the curriculum, Trans Globe ensures that its students receive an education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities in the logistics and aviation industry.

Studying abroad has become a trend. What is the benefit and your view of studying abroad?

Studying abroad has become a popular trend in recent years, and it presents a different category of education and career opportunities. Students who choose to study abroad often pursue disciplines such as medicine, engineering, or MBA, and they may decide to remain in the country they study in after completing their education. This choice is a personal decision based on factors such as career prospects, lifestyle preferences, and the desire for new experiences. It is important to acknowledge that the quality of education available abroad is often a key consideration for students who opt to study overseas. They see it as a viable alternative or a second option to the educational opportunities available in their home country. By choosing to study abroad, students often open themselves up to new cultural experiences, diverse learning environments, and enhanced career prospects. It is crucial to respect the personal choices and aspirations of students who decide to pursue their education abroad. Some students may choose to settle down permanently in the country where they study, while others may choose to return to their home country after completing their studies. Each individual has their own unique circumstances and preferences, and it is not appropriate to impose a one-size-fits-all expectation that all students must settle down in their home country. Ultimately, studying abroad is a personal choice that should be respected. It offers students the opportunity to explore new academic and career avenues, gain international exposure, and broaden their horizons. By recognizing and supporting this trend, educational institutions can contribute to the personal and professional growth of students and foster a global perspective within their academic communities.

Click Transglobe School of Logistics & Aviation Management Placements

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

My suggestion to the current youth and aspiring students is to embrace their individuality and take ownership of their educational and career paths. The current generation is often more technologically savvy and knowledgeable than previous generations, and they bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table. It is important to recognize and value their capabilities.

While seeking guidance and instruction from experienced professionals is valuable, it is equally important for students to trust their own judgment and make decisions based on their unique qualifications, knowledge, and aspirations. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to success, and each individual has their own talents, interests, and goals.

I encourage students to explore a wide range of opportunities, be open to new experiences, and have the courage to pursue their passions. It is essential to stay informed about the latest technologies, trends, and developments in their chosen fields, as this knowledge can help them navigate the rapidly changing professional landscape.

Remember, if you have the determination and confidence, you have the ability to succeed. Be proactive, take risks, and believe in your own abilities. Each person is unique, and their path to success will be different. Embrace your individuality and strive for excellence in your own way.