Mr. Bijendra Bhati is the Chairman of the Greater Noida Institute of Business Management, Greater Noida. He is a Board member of the Mihir Bhoj Trust for the last 20 years. It runs multiple colleges and schools in Noida and nearby areas for students who cannot afford expensive educational institutions. The institute was established in 2012 with the vision to make education accessible to all.


In creating this college, what was your vision?

“The vision was to provide education to those who cannot afford expensive educational institutes”

As someone who lived in a rural area, I was able to see that education is not well developed there. People in these areas are not getting proper education due to a lack of facilities and development. I wanted to open an institute that offered an education at affordable prices. We provide scholarships and financial help so that their education does not stop. 

What is your philosophy of leadership?

"To perform any given task with strong willpower and to support your teammates throughout"

Leadership for me is not just exercising power and authority. It is about accomplishing the objectives and goals of the institute by playing a responsible role in the organization. When we have a strong will, things get a lot easier. Those around me questioned how we would run this college and gain accreditation. When we decided to open the institute for those like us, the road to success unfolded naturally.

What are your methods of preparing students to face real-world competitions?

“Providing students with industrial visits, seminars, and speakers' speeches to gain practical experience”

In spite of the pandemic, we have not stopped providing education to the students. Classes are being held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If the students have any problems they can speak to a faculty member. We are committed to providing the best possible education. Various courses are offered with qualified faculty who are committed to providing quality education. Also, we regularly organize industrial visits, seminars, speakers speeches that help them to gain practical knowledge.

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What do you do to maintain a healthy environment among students from different backgrounds?

“Assist students in socializing with their peers and involve them in social activities”

Besides students from the local area, we have students from across the country. We conduct various events to promote team spirit and help students socialize among their peers. Our students are provided with an appropriate learning environment.

Which are the college's strongest features?

“A value-based system is in place in conjunction with a dynamic curriculum for students” 

We distinguish ourselves from other institutes because we provide a value-based education for our students. We did not open this college to make money, but to provide education to the lower section of society who cannot afford a higher fee. Our college gains its publicity from word of mouth. This college operates because students appreciate the efforts we make for their improvement.

What is the Priority of the college for the next 10 years?

“To ensure continuous education for students even during the pandemic and coming years” 

Our current priority is that our student’s education should not be affected by any lack of facilities provided by the college. Even during these difficult times, we continue to pay faculty and have not hesitated to invest in education. We have maintained good discipline and have around 60-70% student attendance in online classes. We are striving to achieve the best possible experience for students.

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What message would you like to give to the students?

"Students should be thankful for the education they receive and sincere towards it”

The most important thing I want to tell students is not to take education for granted. Their parents have sent them to us with many aspirations and spent hard-earned money on them. Students should appreciate the education they are getting and should be sincere about it. But not just studies. It is important for them to participate in other activities that will help them develop as a person.