Dr. M. Madhusudan Reddy is the Head of the EEE Department at Dr. K.V. Subba Reddy Institute of Technology. He has over 13 years of experience in the teaching field. He did M.Tech in EEE from JNTU Hyderabad. He has attended 13 workshops/ seminars. He has published various papers in national and international journals.

Dr. K. V. Subba Reddy Institute of Technology

What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt for?

The main factors here we need to consider in Electrical and Electronics Engineering first and the government sector has covered previous technologies enough. And one more important thing is nowadays with the development of technology our government has also gotten one project that is the electronics hub of the entire world. Students from the Electrical field play a crucial role in the development of chips and the foremost thing is the private sector. The private sector also has many manufacturing companies like L&T, Lagrange’s, Anchors, etc. 

How does the program ensure the best for the students and prepare them for the future?

Yeah, so the importance of the program is as we said the electronic and electrical combination that’s why you have the relays operations and circuit breaker operations, and also the generation transplant distribution system is the backbone of our entire world from an electrical point of view and the second thing is we need to get the latest technologies like solar panels as well as the hybrid vehicles also covered and here one more thing we need to cover is the government sector jobs and UPSC also eligible last but not least here are the VLSI and microprocessor chip designing courses are also eligible for electrical students.

How do you tend to build an industry connection with the program?

So here IoT also plays a crucial role along with the electrical technologies sir. So whatever things are available in the electrical model when we connect to the IoT techniques we get great exposure and the soft things are also available. For example, if you have to get an alarm when the overhead tank is full. If you connect with the IOT program automatically through the signals also we can operate and the smart house is available. The smart grids are available so entire things in the fans and refrigerator whatever it may be the things are converted into smart technologies in that aspect IOT and other techniques also plays a crucial role.

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What were the challenges that you faced while incorporating this program into your curriculum?

So in students' minds they thought that EEE is difficult because of the mathematical things that are required and also the circuits are very huge and you can solve the circuits they feel are very difficult but in practice are not real. Why? Because once the students are entered into the EEE They are from the MPC background. So here the thing is they have to visualize what they analyze in the classroom. Visualization is missing and one more important thing is here three-dimensional views also analysis like the electromagnetic forces have to be analyzed in 3-D views and that is the one thing and the last one is whatever we studied the parameters like current and voltage are not visible in practice we can graphically explain them to the students. So those are the challenges we face to the students to bring it to reality that’s why laboratories help a lot in clearing those challenges.

What are the types of projects that the students are working on in this program?

The main projects we have in the main domains are power electronics as well as power systems. So power electronics plays a crucial role in getting all these electronic appliances in our hands Designing of motherboards and ICs things power electronics plays a crucial role and even when the power electronics are entered the equipment size also decreases they are very small size one more thing is power systems here we have the DC provision to store the electrical energy. So solar panels overhead solar panels solar power plants are installed. So from this point of view, we have to store the energy. Those projects are helpful and recent research is going on hybrid electric vehicles. So that way electric vehicles in future we can replace the petrol pumps with charging stations. Those projects are very helpful to the student's point of view.

What do you think are your roles and responsibilities?

Being the Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, my role is always to get sufficient energy, and with electricity only we can maintain the industry in a better manner, sir. What type of industries means irrespective of any industry for a mechanical stream, EC stream, CS stream for all the streams electricity is required. We can’t imagine a single application without electrical power. That's why we have to figure out how we use it effectively. Electricity is the best way from the electrical engineering and responsibilities point of view. So with the latest technologies, we have to get power more and more to the remote places also where the remote places available for that places also we can send the power through the wireless transmission system sir and also the development of the country's development of technology will also grow a lot to get a successful life of a human being.