Best Development Studies Universities/Colleges in Netherlands
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Found 7 universities
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CD RankCollege InfoTuition Fees & living Cost(Avg.)Top CoursesRanking & Reviews
#1Wageningen University & Research logo

Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen

Gelderland, Netherlands14%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $22.9K/Yr (€20,600/Yr)Admission M.S International Development St...TOEFL92$22.9K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
1 More Program
6.8/10(3 Users)Ranked 64 by THE in 2024Ranked 155 by QS in 2025
#2Leiden University logo

Leiden University, Leiden

South Holland, Netherlands63%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $23.2K/Yr (€20,900/Yr)Living$1.1K/Yr (€1,006/Yr)Admission L.L.M Peace, Justice and Develop...IELTS7$23.2K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
6.0/10(2 Users)Ranked 37 by THE in 2024
#3Erasmus University Rotterdam logo

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam

South Holland, Netherlands45%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $20.9K/Yr (€18,800/Yr)Living$1.1K/Yr (€1,000/Yr)Admission M.A Development StudiesTOEFL92$20.9K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
6.7/10(1 User)Ranked 99 by THE in 2024Ranked 158 by QS in 2025
#4Maastricht University logo

Maastricht University, Maastricht

Limburg, Netherlands53%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $19.8K/Yr (€17,865/Yr)Living$3.5K/Yr (€3,130/Yr)Admission M.A Learning and Development in ...GMAT650TOEFL80$18.4K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
1 More Program
6.0/10(1 User)Ranked 151 by THE in 2024
#5Utrecht University logo

Utrecht University, Utrecht

Utrecht, Netherlands4%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $22.2K/Yr (€20,043/Yr)Living$1.2K/Yr (€1,100/Yr)Admission M.S International Development St...IELTS7$22.2K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
6.2/10(2 Users)
#6Radboud University logo

Radboud University, Nijmegen

Gelderland, Netherlands75%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $2.8K/Yr (€2,530/Yr)Admission M.S Anthropology and Development...IELTS6$2.8K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year
5.8/10(2 Users)Ranked 176 by THE in 2024
#7School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University logo

School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, Maastricht

Limburg, Netherlands47%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $18.4K/Yr (€16,600/Yr)Admission M.A Learning and Development in ...GMAT650TOEFL80$18.4K/Yr
Course duration: 1 year