TD Physics Classes, Kolkata is one of the renowned institutes for JEE & NEET coaching. The flagship courses provided by the TD Physics Classes are for Class 11. Foundation programmes that include regular classes of Physics for class 9-12 pass are also provided. The institute offers Online programs for JEE & NEET for class 11-12 pass.

The institute is known for its experienced faculty, frequent tests, high quality study material, 24/7 assistance to students along with 25-30 students per batch for personal attention. The average Course fee is between 12,000 INR - 41,400 INR (Depends on the Program taken). Thus, TD Physics Classes promote intensive coaching classes with interactive teaching methodology and highly knowledgeable and experienced faculty for expert guidance & to address student's doubts and concerns through various Doubt Clearing Sessions, Mock Tests and other educational strategies.

TD Physics Classes Highlights

Details Statistics
Institute Name TD Physics Classes
Institute Type Coaching Institute
Contact Number 076868 23387
Head Location 136, 1A, J N Tiwari Road, Gora Bazar, Rajbari, Dum Dum, Kolkata, North Dumdum, West Bengal 700028
Branches 01
Medium Hindi, English
Study Material Provided
Classes Accessibility Online/Offline
Scholarship Not Provided

TD Physics Classes Courses & Fees

TD Physics Classes , Kolkata provides only classroom courses for the students convenience. The courses have an average fee of between 12,000 INR - 41,400 INR. Also they conduct Mock Tests and various Assessments periodically to ensure accessibility to quality education for all, thus empowering them to achieve their academic and career goals with the expert guidance of the renowned institute.

TD Physics Classes Classroom Programs

TD Physics Classes JEE Courses

Course Name Duration Fees
JEE Course for Class 11 (Physics) 2 Year Rs. 41,400
JEE Course for Class 12 (Physics) 1 Year Rs. 22,200
JEE Course for Class 12 Pass (Physics) 1 Year Rs. 22,200

TD Physics Classes NEET Courses

Course Name Duration Fees
NEET Course for Class 11 (Physics) 2 Year Rs. 41,400
NEET Course for Class 12 (Physics) 1 Year Rs. 22,200
NEET Course for Class 12 pass (Physics) 1 Year Rs. 22,200

TD Physics Classes Foundation Programs

Course Name Duration Fees
Foundation courses for Class 9 (Physics) 1 Year Rs. 12,000
Foundation Courses for Class 10 (Physics) 1 Year Rs. 12,000

TD Physics Classes Online Programs

TD Physics Classes JEE Courses

Course Name Duration Fees
TD Online JEE Course for Class 11 2 Year Rs. 41,400
TD Online JEE Course for Class 12 1 Year Rs. 22,200
TD Online JEE Course for Class 12 Pass 1 Year Rs. 22,200

TD Physics Classes NEET Courses

Course Name Duration Fees
TD Online NEET Course for Class 11 2 Year Rs. 41,400
TD Online NEET Course for Class 12 1 Year Rs. 22,200
TD Online NEET Course for Class 12 Pass 1 Year Rs. 22,200

TD Physics Classes FAQs

Ques. How are the admissions undergone for TD Physics Classes, Kolkata?

Ans. The admissions for TD Physics Classes, Kolkata can change from year to year. So it is essential to get in touch with the coaching administration for precise admission information Contact (07686823387).

Ques. What is the Course fee for JEE Coaching at TD Physics Classes, Kolkata?

Ans. TD Physics Classes, Kolkata provides Classroom JEE Course for Class 11-12 pass.

Course Name Duration Fees
JEE Course for Class 11 2 Year Rs. 41,400
JEE Course for Class 12 1 Year Rs. 22,200
JEE Course for Class 12 Pass 1 Year Rs. 22,200

Ques. What is the fee for NEET Classroom programs?

Ans. TD Physics Classes, Kolkata provides Classroom NEET Course for Class 11-12 pass.

Course Name Duration Fees
NEET Course for Class 11 2 Year Rs. 41,400
NEET Course for Class 12 1 Year Rs. 22,200
NEET Course for Class 12 pass 1 Year Rs. 22,200