Guru Prasaath Pushparaj Review at University Of Siegen, Siegen | Collegedunia

UNI-Siegen' a short review

6.8 /10

It will be good if you are truly interested in the course and put enough efforts to achieve your destiny

Course Curriculum :

Recently the curriculum has been altered and new electives were included such that students get to know about the recent advances and innovations that has occurred in the Industry.

Exams :

My scores: IELTS 6.5; Class minimum score: IELTS 6.5 other than that only CGPA is the main requirement for the process. Please be specific what you want to achieve during the course of study and be true to yourself while specifying the skills in SOP. LOR you can't do anything since it has to be given by Professors or Manager(s).

Placement :

Unlike in India you need extremely good GPA for doing research here and there are no placement cell available there. you need to find a job on your own.

Fees :

All public Universities are free of cost, They wont charge you. You have to pay only the semester contribution which is like examination fee like India which includes transportation cost all over the state and country(Deutschland ticket). The fee is almost 320 euro per semester.

Faculty :

its aprox. almost 1:10. The staffs are extremely good as well as the researchers working there. Since I have already mentioned its a German University the Professors and lecturers are very punctual at the same time they are easily approachable with prior appointments.

Campus Life :

There are various clubs like ESN, etc to integrate the international students. Also You have access to free Uni wifi all over the campus named EDUROMCAT-Siegen. In addition You have access to library where you can take free printouts of journals, publications and all your personal things. Recently the University has invested 1 million USD for developing Infrastructure for students

Hostel :

Here we have studentenwerk siegen which provide accommodations for students studying in siegen. The infrastructures is good and the cost differs from city to city.

6.8 out of 10