Safety Measures Technology: Natural Disasters, Sample Questions

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Technology can be defined as the best use of human ideas, useful knowledge, or scientific plans for practical purposes or applications. Whenever we think of technology, suddenly all electronic gadgets come to our mind. But in reality, it is not only about gadgets or machines. This is all about the intelligence that a human expresses through his ideas, works, and way of dealing with any kind of circumstances. It has become a mandatory part of our lives. It has made our life so easy. Technology plays an important role in making our life comfortable, easy and perfect. 

What is Safety Measure Technology?

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Technology is the use of innovative ideas, scientific applications, and uses for practical aims. We can see technology in every field. We can say that whenever we get innovative plans and ideas then we implement them through some particular technique. This happens until the specific purpose is not achieved. This is technology. 

Technology is used in varied fields and applications right from agriculture to rocket science. Technology also plays a major role in safety and disaster management. Remote sensing has provided a breakthrough in technology to accurately predict cyclone, hurricane, tsunami, flash floods and other climate related disasters. Building construction technology has also improved to design buildings that has the ability to withstand earthquakes and heavy winds

The types of technology are as follows.

  • Mechanical Technology- This is the branch of technology that deals with mechanical departments. This only uses the objects related to motion. Here is an example-wheel is all about the technological advances in human history. 
  • Electronic Technology- The branch of technology that deals with the electronic department. This is the most common form of technology that we see everywhere. This only uses electronic gadgets and machines for the development of mankind. 
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Technology- The branch of technology deals with the production of products on a large scale. The works are done in factories and industries for commercial purposes. This is a very advanced form of technology.
  • Medical Technology- The technology that deals with the health of a human being. This technology meets with three things i.e.diagnosing of disease, treatment, and prevention. The process happens through machines that are highly modified. Some examples are MRI scanners, X-ray machines, CT scans, etc. 

Safety Measure Technology used in Natural Disasters

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The topic is all about safety measures that should be taken during natural disasters. But also the role of technology in dealing with these natural hazards. Whenever we see that destruction we think of safety measures. There is a relief operation led by several organisations. 

Apart from human help, we need technologies that can help us in becoming active in the upcoming undesirable situation. It is not possible to stop that hazardous incident but we can surely become active and get prevented from the calamities that are going to happen. In this department, technology plays an important role in spreading awareness in a community.So here are some of the technologies used in mitigation of natural disasters. 

  • Earthquake Mitigation- This is not possible to stop earthquakes from happening but it can be prevented by taking some mitigation measures.Some technologies are brought to predict the possibility of earthquakes in future.This is a very helpful way.

Fig: Seismic Base Isolator

Fig: Seismic Base Isolator

The new types of base isolators, sensors and electronic systems in monitoring and managing earthquake-resistant structures can help us in prevention of earthquakes. 

  • Flood Mitigation- Flood is the excessive overflow of water in a particular area. To reduce this situation,some of the preventive measures are taken on time.The technology plays an important role in flood mitigation. Technology has developed nowadays. This can control flood water movement, by using floodwalls and flood gates.Evacuation of people is a measure which is led by several teams.However, in some parts planting vegetation and making artificial reservoirs like dams can prevent the situation of flooding.

Fig: Dam

Fig: Dam

  • Cyclone Mitigation-  The prevention of cyclones can be done through various technological measures.Hazard mapping is a process used for predicting the speed and frequency of previous cyclones. 

Fig: Hazard mapping 

Fig: Hazard mapping 

Hazard mapping is a measure that can predict the areas affected by storms and cyclone.It shows the structure or condition of the previous cyclone by using the storm frequency and their speed.The other way to mitigate cyclones is Land use planning is maintained by the government authority.In this process, government can prohibit the settlements of community in particular cyclone prone areas. 

  • Drought Mitigation- Drought is a natural phenomenon which leads to scarcity of water as well as food.To prevent this,some techniques are used. Rainwater harvesting is a process of conserving water in tanks or concrete storage system.The water can be stored during the time of rain.So, that the water can be used in future.

Fig: Rainwater harvesting system

Fig: Rainwater harvesting system

In-situ moisture conservation, proper cropping systems consist of crops that will be used for future purposes.These measures are effective in their own way.

Things to Remember

  • Technology is the technique or innovative plan that brings changes to society. When a person has creativity he implements it through his actions and fulfils it for a particular purpose.
  • Technology can be seen everywhere. From home to offices, we can see technology. Some examples of technology are the automobile industry, computers, cell phones, dishwashers, skateboards, induction gas, etc. 
  • Natural Disasters are natural phenomena that happen due to geographical problems. This can harm the lives of people, properties, and the environment. 
  • There are various safety measures technology used by the disaster management departments. The main aim is to create awareness among the people and become ready for tough situations. 

Sample Questions

Ques.What do you mean by technology? (2 Marks)

Ans. Technology is basically the implementation of scientific ideas, plans and actions in a technical manner. A human mind can do anything. In this world full of technologies, anything is possible. Technology helps to reduce human efforts as well as time.It can save time. Technology has made our lives easier. 

Ques. What are natural disasters? (2 Marks)

Ans. When a natural phenomena occurs naturally on the Earth, it leads to destruction to human lives and the environment. Sometimes the level of destruction is small and sometimes fatal. They happen due to the geological, hydrological,meteorological factors. The examples are -flood, drought, earthquake, cyclones, tsunami etc. 

Ques. Mention the technologies used in the field of disaster management. (2 Marks)

Ans. The technologies are developing and modifying day by day. Disaster management department has brought new technologies to us. Just because of this we get useful information regarding any disaster that is going to happen. We can prepare ourselves for the upcoming situation in a planned manner. So that we can prevent any problem. There are some devices that forecast geographical disasters. 

Ques. What do you mean by weather radar? (2 Marks)

Ans. It is a type of device which is used in detecting the motion of the rain and its form. It is also known as weather surveillance radar. They all are very advanced forms of technology that have made our life easy and predictable to some extent. 

Ques. How can we spread awareness among people related to natural disasters? (3 Marks)

Ans. We can spread awareness through many ways among people.

  • Government runs a survey programme to raise awareness through various mediums. 
  • A group of people is sent from place to place and they start a workshop based on an awareness programme.
  • People are encouraged by the organisations to become aware and prepared about tough situations. 
  • Several weather forecasting programmes are shown on tv so that a mass of people can receive information regarding weather. 

Ques. Mention the types of natural disasters and their effect? (3 Marks)

Ans. There are several types of natural disasters that happen from time to time. 

  • Earthquakes are one of the most dangerous and destructive natural phenomena. When it happens, the lives of people, properties get affected. 
  • Flood is the excessive flow of water in water bodies in a particular area.When flood comes it submerged almost everything with it.This is also dangerous to human lives. 
  • Drought occurs when an area doesn't receive rainfall for a long period of time. This results in a lack of water and crops. 

Ques. Write the type of technologies that we see in our life. (2 Marks)

Ans. We are surrounded by technology. From an electric fan to many things. We can see the technology used in TV, smartphones,induction gas, bikes, and toys. Technology has made our life easy.It reduces our time. 

Ques.What is the role played by the disaster management department? (3 Marks)

Ans. The Disaster Management Department is an important part of the government.The department plays an important role in our life because they are responsible for 

Mitigation, prevention, response, relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of disaster related issues. They run a relief camp during epidemic or disaster.So that people can be able to avail the facilities provided by them. 

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