Relation between Articles in Physics

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Jasmine Grover

Content Strategy Manager

Relation between based articles in physics helps us understand the relationship between two different terms under the similar topic. There are various terms in physics that are related to one another. Relation between articles in physics helps the students understand the basic concepts of 2 topics to better prepare for their CBSE Board Examinations. This article includes the relation between articles in physics covering all the important concepts. Some of the relation between articles include the relation between Celcius and Fahrenheit, the relation between beta and gamma function, the relation between elastic constants, etc. 

List of Relation between Articles in Physics

A list of the relation between articles in physics is covered here in a tabular format:

Relation between based articles in Physics
Relation Between Celsius and Fahrenheit Relation Between Critical Angle and Refractive Index
Relation Between Torque and Moment of Inertia Relation Between Elastic Constants
Relation Between Phase Difference and Path Difference What is Relation between G and g?
Relation between escape velocity and orbital velocity Relation between gauss and tesla
Relation between amplitude and frequency Relation between pressure and density
Relation between pressure and velocity Relation between density and volume
Relation between bar and pascal Relation between power and resistance
Relation between velocity and wavelength Relation between ev and joule
Relation between frequency and velocity Relation between line voltage and phase voltage
Relation between resistance and length Relation between watt and volt
Relation between torque and speed Relation between kva and kw
Relation between viscosity and density Relation between kg and newton
Relation between bar and atm Relation between beta and gamma function
Relation between electric field and electric potential Relation between group velocity and phase velocity
Relation between newton and dyne Relation between calorie and joule

Advantages Of The Relation Between Articles in Physics

The relation between based articles in physics helps the students understand the concepts and the bond between them – 

  • The relation between articles in Physics exam is very common.
  • The articles cover the similarities and differences between the two concepts.
  • The relation between articles in physics helps in giving the students get an in-depth idea of the terms involved.
  • The relation is explained in a tabular form with bulleted points for a better understanding.

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CBSE CLASS XII Related Questions

(a) A circular coil of 30 turns and radius 8.0 cm carrying a current of 6.0 A is suspended vertically in a uniform horizontal magnetic field of magnitude 1.0 T. The field lines make an angle of 60° with the normal of the coil. Calculate the magnitude of the counter torque that must be applied to prevent the coil from turning. 
(b) Would your answer change, if the circular coil in (a) were replaced by a planar coil of some irregular shape that encloses the same area? (All other particulars are also unaltered.)

      A series LCR circuit with R = 20 W, L = 1.5 H and C = 35 μF is connected to a variable-frequency 200 V ac supply. When the frequency of the supply equals the natural frequency of the circuit, what is the average power transferred to the circuit in one complete cycle?

          Figure shows tracks of three charged particles in a uniform electrostatic field. Give the signs of the three charges. Which particle has the highest charge to mass ratio?

              A circular disc is rotating about its own axis at uniform angular velocity \(\omega.\) The disc is subjected to uniform angular retardation by which its angular velocity is decreased to \(\frac {\omega}{2}\) during 120 rotations. The number of rotations further made by it before coming to rest is

                • 120
                • 60
                • 40
                • 20

                A closely wound solenoid of \(2000 \) turns and area of cross-section \(1.6 × 10^{-4}\  m^2\), carrying a current of \(4.0 \ A\), is suspended through its centre allowing it to turn in a horizontal plane. 
                (a) What is the magnetic moment associated with the solenoid?
                (b) What is the force and torque on the solenoid if a uniform horizontal magnetic field of \(7.5 × 10^{-2}\  T\) is set up at an angle of \(30º\) with the axis of the solenoid?

                    A capillary tube of radius r is dipped inside a large vessel of water. The mass of water raised above water level is M. If the radius of capillary is doubled, the mass of water inside capillary will be

                      • 5M
                      • 2M
                      • \(\frac M4\)

                      • M


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