Life in college is very loyal we cannot miss that life and there is a library for studying and research. Amenities in the classroom are very well deserved. Sports are conducted by our college management. NCC GROUP
On 25th September pharmacy day is celebrated in our college. Books are available in the college library. Amenities in college are best. In our college sports are played and many activities are on campus.
The college conducts the annual fest in person year and many more to celebrate the college provides for the every student in library for books college is conducted sports and curriculum activities in college for a month and my social group was created in college and their name is rock group
There will be both technical fests and non-technical fests conducted every year. Technical tests were mostly conducted in November during pharmacy week and the non-technical fests were conducted in February.
We will go for the fest other than our college and till now we did Not have any fest in our college. The library is awesome with good facilities and great books. We will have national conferences regularly. Our college has NSS and NYC facility.
The college provides with playgrounds and facilities for games like cricket, volleyball, chess throwball and many other in the campus. They also have laboratories for engg. and pharmaceutical research and academic purposes.