Art Education is one of the fastest growing fields in the 21st Century. To major in art is to become a visual problem solver. In your first year, you are introduced to the methods and materials of visual thinking through a series of Foundation courses. In these courses, you will examine and explore the visual world through drawing, computers, and other hands-on experiences in sculpture and two-dimensional design. The five Foundation Courses?Drawing 1, Drawing 2, Electronic Imaging, Two-Dimensional Design, and Three Dimensional Design?provide all incoming students with a solid set of conceptual and technical skills; we believe in a combination of old and new technologies. Even in the digital age drawing is never out of date!In your second year, we encourage you to take art history courses so that you begin to see yourself in an historical and global context. Your hands-on studio choices open up, too. You can enroll in Introductory Studio courses, Graphic Design classes, and Art Education sections which will give you a broad view of the visual word.