Umesh Gangadhar Review at Sheffield Hallam University [SHU], Sheffield | Collegedunia

It's better than ever

Because this University offered one year extra placement which was part of the course

Course Curriculum :

The course curriculum and academics were related to course syllabus, also got industrial exposure but unfortunately due COVID19 pandemic my placement year got spoil.

Exams :

Mr overall score was 6, verbal 6, writing 8, listening 5.5, speaking 6.5. And my overall score was 6

Placement :

There are limited placement opportunities because you as an individual has to find placement. The University will help you for CV and cover letter drafting

Internship :


Fees :

The total course fee was GBP 14200, and I got discount of GBP 3000.

Scholarship :

Yes, of GBP 3000

Faculty :

In our batch we were 15, almost 50% each male/female. The faculty and staff was very much cooperative and punctual of time and they were approachable with prior appointment for any discussion.

Campus Life :

There were 100 of clubs from various country, religions for various activities and celebrations of festivals, and all the facilities were great like library, WIFI, and sport activities.

Hostel :

There are various types of accommodation depends on your budget in association with the University, and private. The cost start from GBP 90/week to GBP 225/week

5.3 out of 10