Nationally recognized as the second-best institution, the University of Otago is a New-Zealand based public research university. It resides in the rank band #201-250 in reputed ranking bodies such as QS Rankings and US News Rankings. The University of Otago occupies a rank below #500 as per the likes of THE Rankings, CWUR, and Shanghai Rankings. University of Otago takes pride in its high student satisfaction rates and the success of its graduates, as 95% of them enter directly into further studies or employment.

In addition to this, the University of Otago provides quality education by means of well-trained faculty and well-structured courses. It has 11 subject areas ranked in the top 100 globally, according to the QS World University Rankings by subject. Some of the top programs at University of Otago include ‘Dentistry’, ‘Nursing’, ‘Hospitality and Tourism Management’, etc. The US News even ranks teh ‘Psychology’ programs of the institution at #53.

University of Otago Ranking: World Ranking Trends

Here’s a table that demonstrates how the University of Otago rankings have improved over the years, as per some of the top-ranking agencies:-

University of Otago Ranking: World Ranking Trends

Ranking Body 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
QS Rankings #176 #184 #194 #217 #206
US News Rankings #237 #226 #230 #247
CWUR #333 #341 #351 #372
THE Rankings #201-250 #201-250 #201-250 #301-350 #301-350
Shanghai Rankings #301-400 #301-400 #401-500

University of Otago Ranking: Engineering Rankings

Shanghai Rankings refers to the University of Otago as one of the top 150 universities offering ‘Food Science and Technology’ programs. The table below demonstrates how the engineering programs at University of Otago have improved over the years:-

University of Otago Ranking: Engineering Rankings

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021
THE Rankings Computer Science and Engineering #501-600 #501-600 #401-500 #501-600
QS World Subject Rankings Computer Science and Information Systems #451-500 #351-400 #301-350

Shanghai Rankings

Food Science and Technology #101-150 #76-100 #101-150
Biomedical Engineering #201-300 #201-300
Biotechnology #401-500 #301-400 #301-400

University of Otago Ranking: Natural Science Courses

The university caters to numerous top-ranked courses in this field, and some of the Natural Science courses at University of Otago are ranked as follows:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Ecology #401-500 #401-500 #201-300
Oceanography #151-200 #101-150 #101-150
Earth Sciences #201-300 #151-200 #151-200
Atmospheric Science #301-400 #201-300 #201-300

QS World Subject Rankings

Biological Sciences #201-250 #201-250 #201-250
Natural Sciences #354 #331 #329
Geography #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Psychology #101-150 #98 #80
Mathematics #501-530 #351-400 #351-400
Chemistry #251-300 #251-300 #251-300
Earth and Marine Sciences #151-200 #101-150 #51-100
Physics and Astronomy #451-500 #401-450 #451-500

THE Rankings

Physical Sciences #501-600 #501-600 #401-500 #401-500
Life Sciences #251-300 #251-300 #301-400 #301-400
Psychology #101-125 #101-125 #93 #126-150

University of Otago Ranking: Medical Science Rankings

Medical science courses such as ‘Dentistry’ and ‘Anatomy and Physiology’ of University of Otago rank below #50 in the QS World Subject Rankings. More such medicine programs at University of Otago and their previous years’ ranking trends are tabulated as follows:-

University of Otago Ranking: Medical Science Rankings

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Dentistry #42 #41 #43
Anatomy and Physiology #39 #43 #40
Nursing #51-100 #51-100 #51-100

Shanghai Rankings

Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences #301-400 #301-400 #301-400
Clinical Medicine #201-300 #101-150 #101-150
Medical Technology #201-300 #301-400 #301-400
Dentistry and Oral Sciences #51-75 #51-75 #51-75
Public Health #101-150 #76-100 #51-75
Nursing #101-150 #101-150 #151-200
THE Rankings Clinical, pre-clinical, and health #176-200 #151-175 #151-175 #126-150

University of Otago Ranking: Business Courses

The ‘Accounting and Finance’ program available at the University of Otago have ranked in the band #201-250 consecutively for the second year in QS World Subject Rankings. Here are similar business courses provided by University of Otago and their ranking trends:-

University of Otago Ranking: Business Courses

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Business and Management Studies #251-300 #201-250 #151-200
Accounting and Finance #201-250 #201-250 #151-200
THE Rankings Business and Economics #201-250 #151-175 #126-150 #201-250

Shanghai Rankings

Management #401-500
Business Administration #301-400

University of Otago Ranking: Humanities Courses

A wide variety of humanities courses have ranked at top positions in the leading ranking lists, making the University of Otago proud. The ‘Hospitality and Tourism Management’ resides at #33 in the Shanghai Rankings and hence ranks below #50 in the list for the third consecutive year. Furthermore, the US News regards it as one of the top 200 institutions for ‘Arts and Humanities’. Some other rankings for humanities courses at University of Otago are given below:

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Education #201-300 #101-150 #101-150
Hospitality and Tourism Management #33 #23 #24
Law #201-300 #201-300 #151-200

QS World Subject Rankings

Philosophy #101-150 #101-150 #51-100
Arts and Humanities #189 #185 #185
Education and Training #101-150 #101-150 #84
Philosophy #101-150 #101-150 #51-100
Linguistics #251-300 #251-300
Politics #201-230 #151-200 #151-200
Sociology #151-200 #151-200 #151-200
Social Sciences and Management #244 #193 #212

THE Rankings

Education #201-250 #201-250 #151-175 #126-150
Social Sciences #201-250 #201-250 #151-175 #151-175
Law #176-200 #176-200 #201+ #126-150
Arts and Humanities #201-250 #201-250 #176-200 #201-250

University of Otago: US News Subject Rankings

The US News has evaluated various academic courses offered by the University of Otago and ranked 10 of them in the top 200 positions. The table below demonstrates the exact rankings and the name of these subjects:-

Subject Rankings 2022-23
Agricultural Sciences #107
Arts and Humanities #197
Biology and Biochemistry #282
Clinical Medicine #167
Endocrinology and Metabolism #203
Food Science and Technology #192
Immunology #151
Infectious Diseases #92
Chemistry #724
Social Sciences and Public Health #154
Microbiology #150
Geosciences #236
Psychology #53

University of Otago Ranking: Miscellaneous

The University of Otago has asserted its dominance not only in terms of academics but also in various related overall parameters, such as:-

Ranking Body Parameter Ranking 2022-23


QS Sustainable Ranking #47
Graduate Employability Ranking #251-300
QS WUR By Subject #51-100

US News

Best Global Universities in the New Zealand #2
Best Global Universities #247

THE World University Rankings

World University Rankings #301-350
Impact Ranking #63
Impact Rankings: Partnership for goals #101-200
Impact Rankings: Quality Education #401-600
Impact Rankings: Gender Equality #101-200
Impact Rankings: Climate Action #34
Impact Rankings: Reducing Inequalities #101-200


National Rank #2
Employability Rank #886
Research Rank #339

With a graduate employability rate of 95%, the University of Otago ranks among the top 1% universities across the globe. Furthermore, it ranks #1 among universities in New Zealand to obtain the ‘First Trade Status’ in New Zealand.