The University of Canterbury rankings are among the top 5 universities in New Zealand. The university is placed at rank #256 in the QS Global Universities Rankings, 2024. Both THE and CWUR has considered The University of Canterbury among the top #501-600 universities across the globe. Shanghai Rankings and U.S. News & World Report has placed it in the rank band of #401-500.

The University of Canterbury caters courses across 150+ subject areas in various academic levels. A significant number of these courses in University of Canterbury are recognized by reputed ranking agencies. The university is specially known for its exceptional business and engineering programs across distinct academic levels.

University of Canterbury World Rankings

University of Canterbury ranks among the top 600 universities in the world according to a majority of the reputed agencies. The following table presents the previous years’ ranking trends of the University of Canterbury as per the leading ranking bodies:

University of Canterbury World Rankings

Ranking Type 2021 2022 2023 2024
QS World University Rankings #270 #258 #284 #=256
THE World University Rankings #401-500 #501-600 #601-800 #501-600
CWUR #499 #516 #539
ARWU (Shanghai Rankings) #401-500 #401-500 #401-500
U.S. News and World Report Best Global Universities #338 #387 #466

University of Canterbury Engineering Rankings

Engineering degree from University of Canterbury creates work-ready graduates, making the program internationally recognized. The programs come with extensive hands-on experience. The university hosts a range of research activities, securing a place among the top 15 in the world for some programs. The following table shows how the engineering courses in University of Canterbury ranked in the past years:

University of Canterbury Engineering Rankings

Ranking Body Program 2023 2022 2021 2020

QS Subject Rankings

Computer Science and Information Systems #351-400 #351-400 #301-350 #251-300
Civil and Structural Engineering #51-100 #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Chemical Engineering #301-350 #251-300 #251-300 #201-250
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #251-300 #251-300 #251-300 #201-250
Mechanical Engineering #301-350 #301-350 #301-350 #301-350
Engineering and Technology #279 #242 #285 #240

ARWU (Shanghai Rankings)

Civil Engineering #11 #9 #9
Transportation Science and Technology #151-200 #151-200

University of Canterbury Business Rankings

Some business programs in University of Canterbury are ranked among the top 150 in the world. The business-related courses offered by the University of Canterbury and their corresponding ranking trends are given in the following table:

University of Canterbury Business Rankings

Ranking Body Program 2023 2022 2021 2020

QS Subject Rankings

Business and Management Studies #301-350 #301-350 #251-300 #201-250
Accounting and Finance #251-300 #201-250 #151-200 #101-150
ARWU (Shanghai Rankings) Management #401-500 #401-500

University of Canterbury Humanities Rankings

A plethora of the humanities programs in University of Canterbury are currently ranked among the top 200-400 in the world, according to agencies like QS, ARWU among others. The Linguistics program in University of Canterbury has consecutively ranked among the top 100 in the world. More such humanities programs have been ranked as follows:

University of Canterbury Humanities Rankings

Ranking Body Program 2023 2022 2021 2020

QS Subject Rankings

English Language and Literature #251-300 #201-250 #201-250 #201-250
Social Sciences and Management #317 #245 #282 #220
Communication and Media Studies #201-250 #201-240
Education and Training #201-250 #201-250 #201-250 #151-200
Arts and Humanities #356 #267 #304 #269
Linguistics #90 #78 #92 #51-100
Politics #151-200 #201-220 #151-200 #151-200

ARWU (Shanghai Rankings)

Hospitality and Tourism Management #29 #34 #51-75
Education #401-500 #401-500 #401-500
Political Sciences #301-400 #301-400 #301-400
Law #201-300

University of Canterbury Natural Science Rankings

The University of Canterbury’s “Geography” program currently ranks in the band #51-100 in QS Subject Rankings. Here are the ranking tends for more natural sciences courses of the University of Canterbury:

Ranking Body Program 2023 2022 2021 2020

QS World Subject Rankings

Environmental Sciences #251-300 #251-300 #251-300 #151-200
Natural Sciences #301 #208 #253 #223
Geography #51-100 #101-150 #151-200 #101-150
Physics and Astronomy #301-350 #251-300 #251-300 #201-250
Chemistry #451-500 #351-400 #351-400 #301-350
Mathematics #451-500 #401-450 #351-400 #351-400
Earth and Marine Sciences #151-200 #151-200 #101-150 #101-150
Biological Sciences #501-550 #451-500 #351-400 #301-350

Shanghai Rankings

Earth Sciences #301-400 #301-400 #201-300
Geography #201-300 #201-300 #201-300
Physics #301-400 #201-300 #201-300
Atmospheric Sciences #301-400 #301-400
Ecology #151-200 #151-200 #151-200

US News & World Report Subject Rankings

The U.S. News & World Report have ranked some courses offered by the University of Canterbury. These programs have ranked among the top 200-600 in the world. The ranking trends are as follows:

Subject Rankings 2023
Engineering #528
Chemistry #622
Civil Engineering #185
Ecology #320

University of Canterbury Miscellaneous Rankings

Ranking Body Parameter Ranking 2023

QS World University Rankings

Graduate Employability Ranking #301-500
Sustainability Ranking #95
QS WUR By Subject #201-250

US News

Best Global Universities #466
Best Global Universities in New Zealand/ Australia #30
Best Global Universities in New Zealand #4

THE World University Rankings

World University Rankings #501-600
Impact Rankings 2023 #77


National Rank #3
Employability Rank #447
Research Rank #569
Education Rank #357
Faculty Rank #242

A decade ago, the University of Canterbury became the first university in New Zealand to obtain a 5 star rating from the QS Rankings. Furthermore, THE Rankings have placed the Business and Economics program of the university in the rank band #126-150, bringing global recognition. With several courses ranking among the top courses in the world by agencies like QS, THE, ARWU and others, The University of Canterbury ensures great employment opportunities after graduation across the world.