
Under the COVID-19 outbreak, universities and schools around the world had suspended face-to-face classes to prevent the rapid spread of the virus among students and staff. This sudden disruption to face-to-face education reshaped pedagogical practices and led to the rapid adoption of online teaching among universities. Subsequently, academics working at universities, at the frontline of those changes, faced enormous levels of pressure and disturbance to their professional roles and practices. For those without sufficient knowledge or experience for effective online teaching, this sudden transition was particularly challenging. In normal circumstances, designing an online course follows a systematic instructional design process with careful consideration of the unique characteristics of target learner groups and the chosen instructional medium. During the rapid adoption of online teaching in response to COVID-19, however, systematic instructional design procedures and team-based support for course development and preparation were unavailable. Instead, individual academics were given the challenge alone to teach online with a limited level of support and guidance from their school or university - the task was even more difficult in this situation where they were remotely working from home.

Question: 1

The objective behind the information furnished in the passage is:

Updated On: Sep 19, 2024
  • To examine the experiences faced by the teachers because of the sudden transition from offline to online mode of teaching due to outbreak of COVID-19.
  • To identify the differences between the online and offline mode of teaching.
  • To reveal the side-effects of COVID-19.
  • To understand the need to be able to cope up with crisis like situations even in the educational sector.
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The Correct Option is A

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The correct option is (A): To examine the experiences faced by the teachers because of the sudden transition from offline to online mode of teaching due to outbreak of COVID-19.
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Question: 2

Based on the ideas presented in the paragraph, it will not be possible to draw out useful recommendations for situations like the pandemic, unless :

Updated On: Sep 19, 2024
  • The factors required to contribute to quality education by online and offline modes are examined.
  • Knowledge about the infrastructural availability in the schools or universities is crucial.
  • The faculty is given adequate training and experience in providing online education is taken into consideration.
  • A detailed analysis of the comparative performance in the online and offline modes is done.
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The Correct Option is C

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The correct option is (C): The faculty is given adequate training and experience in providing online education is taken into consideration.
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Question: 3

What can be most conveniently inferred from the given paragraph?

Updated On: Sep 19, 2024
  • Whether online or face-to-face, university teaching activity is a genuinely complex task that involves multiple elements of interlinked activity systems.
  • It has been more challenging for both individual academics and institutions to quickly adopt to online teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • The object of the online teaching activity systems created a fundamental contradiction with the object of the previous teaching activity systems.
  • All the above.
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The Correct Option is D

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The correct option is (D): All the above.
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Question: 4

What suitable policy decision should be devised by the administrators of the schools and the universities, in the light of the facts presented in the paragraph?

Updated On: Sep 19, 2024
  • There must be an insight into the complexity of online teaching and need to work for the capacity building of the teachers during such extra ordinary times and there is a greater need to create a teacher community and foster collaborative teaching relationships among the members, even if it takes time.
  • The faculty members must be oriented towards the lasting changes brought about to their roles and identities in teaching.
  • It is time to develop a comprehensive understanding of the challenges experienced by individual academics and the changes created by those academics.
  • There is a need to develop infrastructure in schools and universities.
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The Correct Option is A

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The correct option is (A): There must be an insight into the complexity of online teaching and need to work for the capacity building of the teachers during such extra ordinary times and there is a greater need to create a teacher community and foster collaborative teaching relationships among the members, even if it takes time.
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Question: 5

Which of the following points most closely supports the fact that the present education system lacks the structure to sustain effective teaching during and after the periods of lockdowns?

Updated On: Sep 19, 2024
  • There are inadequate applications and platforms for effective online teaching.
  • Shift from offline to online was faced with resistance.
  • The academia's long-established roles and identities have been completely altered by the pandemic.
  • The students are interested in online examinations and schools and universities are finding it difficult to shift to offline examination mode.
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The Correct Option is C

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The correct option is (C): The academia's long-established roles and identities have been completely altered by the pandemic.
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