
The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage.
Several of the world’s earliest cities were organised along egalitarian lines. In some regions, urban populations governed themselves for centuries without any indication of the temples and palaces that would later emerge; in others, temples and palaces never emerged at all, and there is simply no evidence of a class of administrators or any other sort of ruling stratum. It would seem that the mere fact of urban life does not, necessarily, imply any particular form of political organization, and never did. Far from resigning us to inequality, the picture that is now emerging of humanity’s past may open our eyes to egalitarian possibilities we otherwise would have never considered.

Updated On: Sep 13, 2024
  • We now have the evidence in support of the existence of an egalitarian urban life in some ancient cities, where political and civic organisation was far less hierarchical.
  • Contrary to our assumption that urban settlements have always involved hierarchical political and administrative structures, ancient cities were not organised in this way.
  • The emergence of a class of administrators and ruling stratum transformed the egalitarian urban life of ancient cities to the hierarchical civic organisations of today.
  • The lack of hierarchical administration in ancient cities can be deduced by the absence of religious and regal structures such as temples and palaces.
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The Correct Option is A

Solution and Explanation

Option 2 states that 'ancient cities were not organized this way,' but the passage specifically mentions that "several of the world’s earliest cities were organized along egalitarian lines." Therefore, option 2 is not accurate as it makes a broad and inaccurate generalization about all ancient cities. Option 3 and 4 involve inferences based on the passage rather than directly addressing the main idea.Option 1, which refers to evidence provided in the passage and aligns with the focus on specific examples of ancient cities, seems to be the best choice. It emphasizes the information presented in the paragraph rather than making broad assumptions.

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