
The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4) below, when properly sequenced, would yield a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper sequencing of the order of the sentences and key in the sequence of the four numbers as your answer:
1. Some company leaders are basing their decisions on locating offices to foster innovation and growth, as their best-performing inventors suffered the greatest productivity losses when their commutes grew longer.
2. Shorter commutes support innovation by giving employees more time in the office and greater opportunities for in-person collaboration, while removing the physical strain of a long commute.
3. This is not always the case: remote work does not automatically lead to greater creativity and productivity as office water-cooler conversations are also very important for innovation.
4. Some see the link between long commutes and productivity as support for work-from-home scenarios, as many workers have grown accustomed to their commute-free arrangements during the pandemic

Updated On: Sep 13, 2024
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The Correct Option is B

Solution and Explanation

This is a very difficult question. It is not easy for us to create the right logical sequence, but we have one strong clue in sentence 4, which says ‘some see the link between long commutes and productivity…’. We know that ‘some’ is a pronoun and it refers to some noun or it refers to something. Who is it that sees the link between long commutes and productivity? It refers to some company leaders in sentence 1. Thus 21 is a pair. Both 4 and 3 are connected because 4 talks about ‘work-from-home scenarios’, and 3 further says that ‘this is not the case…remote work does not automatically lead to greater creativity…’. Thus, we see that 143 is a link. We can fit 2 at the start or at the end, but if we start with 1, it looks abrupt. 2 is better if it comes at the start than at the end. That way it would introduce the idea of short commutes. 2143 is the best sequence.

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