
The author mentions Kekules discovery of the structure of benzene and Mozart's symphonies to illustrate the point that:

Updated On: Sep 13, 2024
  • Pinker's conclusions on sequential reasoning are belied by European achievements which, in the past, were more rooted in unconscious bursts of genius.
  • unlike the sciences, human achievements in other fields are a mix of logical reasoning and spontaneous epiphanies.
  • it is not just the creative arts, but also scientific fields that have benefitted from flashes of creativity.
  • great innovations across various fields can stem from flashes of intuition and are not always propelled by logical thinking.
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The Correct Option is D

Solution and Explanation

In the case of Kekule, the revelation of the benzene structure reportedly occurred to him in a dream, demonstrating how creative insights can emerge unexpectedly and unconsciously. Similarly, Mozart's symphonies, revered as masterpieces of classical music, are often regarded as manifestations of his musical genius and creative intuition. These examples bolster the notion that groundbreaking achievements in both scientific and artistic realms may involve moments of inspiration, intuition, or epiphany, challenging the notion that all significant accomplishments stem solely from conscious and sequential reasoning. This underscores the broader point that while conscious reasoning is valuable, subconscious and intuitive processes also play a role in generating innovative ideas and creations.

So, the correct option is (D): great innovations across various fields can stem from flashes of intuition and are not always propelled by logical thinking.

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