
I am the family face; flesh perishes. I live on, projecting trait and trace through time to times anon, and leaping from place to place over oblivion.
So wrote Thomas Hardy in his poem, Heredity, describing direct descent of life from one generation to the next. Indeed, the poem reflects the DNA in our genome. Dr.Drew Endy of MIT quoted this when he described how people at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) bypass nature’s constraint of direct descent. Scientists there have used chemistry and biochemistry to produce the first synthetic genome in the laboratory. They chemically synthesized many fragments of the DNA, encoding the 582,970-units-long genome of a bacterium called Mycoplasma genitalium. Next, they assembled these fragments in perfect order to generate the genome of the bacterium.
The DNA sequence of the synthetic one was confirmed to be identical to the natural one. While the DNA pieces were synthesized chemically, the stitching together was done using the biochemical machinery of a host cell. About 100 pieces of the genome, each 5000-7000 units long in DNA sequence, were first joined to produce 25 sub-assemblies, each about 24000 base pairs long. These were then introduced into the bacterium E. coli to produce sufficient DNA for the next steps. Next, they repeated the procedure to generate large fragments comprising l/4th of the whole genome of M.genitalium.
Now, they used the clever trick of exploiting the process called homologous recombination. This is a basic essential process in every cell, which physically rearranges the two strands of DN The JCVI researchers inserted the synthesized DNA fragments into yeast and utilized its homologous recombination ability to generate the whole 580,000 long genome of M.genitalium in one step. 
This is clearly a landmark work that leads into the brave new world of synthesizing life itself in the laboratory. It was hardly 200 years ago when Friedrich Wohler synthesized urea, an organic molecule, in the chemical laboratory, thus throwing out the notion of ‘vital forces’ involved in the components of living organisms. What is the next step, making life itself in the lab, bypassing nature? With single cell organisms like M.genitalium, it might not be far away. It is now possible in the lab to do so, by inserting the genome into a ‘host’ cell and asking the latter to make the bacterium of your choice. If only we find a way to insert the bacterial genome into this proto-cell, and somehow trigger it to make the bacterium itself! We would have chemically created life in the la This is not a pipedream; JCVI scientists are already on the job, and my bet is they will do it within a few years. 
This surely raises ethical questions, a matter that JCVI is keenly aware of and is already engaged in with ethicists. Even their present work on M.genitalium was done with prior approval of ethical experts. But then, today it is M.genitalium, tomorrow it could be a more advanced, multi-cellular organism, and that could flummox even the ethicist. Assisted reproduction, which is the other side of the coin and truly a recently initiated technology, has become ethically and morally acceptable. Cloning of Dolly, the sheep, has not raised any outrage, but cloning a human certainly does.

Question: 1

Why does the author refer to Thomas Hardy’s poem?

Updated On: Jul 24, 2024
  • To estimate the role played by direct properties attributable to one’s parentage
  • To underline the significance of the biological process whereby genetic factors are transmitted from one generation to the next
  • To emphasize the importance of the total of inherited attributes that rarely come by natural descent
  • To highlight the purpose of genetic endowment which can traced through the family face
  • To evaluate the function of genes that are seldom present among the descendants of one individual
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The Correct Option is B

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The correct answer is option (B): To underline the significance of the biological process whereby genetic factors are transmitted from one generation to the next
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Question: 2

What did the scientists at JCVI do?

Updated On: Aug 19, 2024
  • They circumvented nature’s constraint of direct descent
  • They bypassed nature’s laws and produced a natural gene
  • They invented an imperishable gene which is synthetic in nature
  • They ignored the theory of inheritance and created an intrinsic gene
  • They produced a gene which can be preserved permanently
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The Correct Option is A

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The correct answer is option (A): They circumvented nature’s constraint of direct descent
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Question: 3

What was the outcome of their research?

Updated On: Jul 24, 2024
  • They analyzed the DNA sequence of the synthetic gene in the laboratory for the first time
  • They contrasted the properties of a synthetic gene with that of a natural one
  • They created a gene sequence in artificial conditions which could undergo mutation
  • They produced the first synthetic genome in the laboratory which is analogous to the natural one
  • They studied the functions of a natural gene and a synthetic gene under controlled conditions of a laboratory
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The Correct Option is D

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The correct answer is option (D): They produced the first synthetic genome in the laboratory which is analogous to the natural one
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Question: 4

The DNA pieces of the synthetic genome were stitched together by using

Updated On: Aug 19, 2024
  • The method of biochemical synthesis
  • The biochemical machinery of a host cell
  • The biochemical genome of a host cell
  • The DNA sequence of a host cell
  • The synthesized DNA pieces of a host cell
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The Correct Option is B

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The correct answer is option (B): The biochemical machinery of a host cell
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Question: 5

What is the author’s gut feeling?

Updated On: Jul 24, 2024
  • Scientists will invent a mechanism that might trigger a genome and convert it into the bacterium
  • Scientists will succeed in creating a synthetic genome which has the characteristics of a natural one
  • Scientists will improve upon the synthetic gene and find an alternative which is akin to the proto-cell of the bacterium
  • Scientists will prove that the DNA structure of a proto-cell is similar to that of an artificial one
  • Scientists will find a way to insert the bacterial genome into the proto-cell and somehow trigger it to make the bacterium itself
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The Correct Option is

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The correct answer is option (E): Scientists will find a way to insert the bacterial genome into the proto-cell and somehow trigger it to make the bacterium itself
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Question: 6

Which of the following words aptly substitutes ‘flummox’ as used in the passage?

Updated On: Jul 24, 2024
  • Control
  • Petrify
  • Bewilder
  • Challenge
  • Demystify
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The Correct Option is C

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The correct answer is option (C): Bewilder
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Question: 7

According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?

Updated On: Jul 24, 2024
  • Thomas Hardy’s poem, Heredity, reflects the DNA in a human being’s genome
  • Creating life in a lab will surely raise pertinent questions pertaining to ethics
  • Scientists, in future, will be able to create life under artificial conditions
  • Cloning of Dolly, the sheep, has invited the wrath of people because the sheep soon died a miserable death
  • Two centuries ago, urea was synthesized in a chemical laboratory
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The Correct Option is D

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The correct answer is option (D): Cloning of Dolly, the sheep, has invited the wrath of people because the sheep soon died a miserable death
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Question: 8

A recently initiated technology, which is ethically acceptable, is

Updated On: Jul 24, 2024
  • Assembling the complex biological molecule
  • Gene sequencing
  • Assisted reproduction
  • Stitching together of an artificial cell
  • Inserting a proto-cell into the bacterium
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The Correct Option is C

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The correct answer is option (C): Assisted reproduction
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Question: 9

According to the author’s opinion, what would be the result of cloning a human being?

Updated On: Jul 24, 2024
  • It will invite people’s indignation
  • It would be a wonderful prospect for humanity
  • It might change the face of the earth
  • It will be looked down as a sin
  • It will prove to be a global catastrophe
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The Correct Option is A

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The correct answer is option (A): It will invite people’s indignation
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