
Directions for sentence exclusion: Five sentences are given below; out of these, four come together to form a coherent paragraph, but one sentence does not fit into the sequence. Choose the sentence that does not fit into the sequence.

Updated On: Sep 13, 2024
  • There is a dark side to academic research, especially in India, and at its centre is the phenomenon of predatory journals.
  • But in truth, as long as you pay, you can get anything published.
  • In look and feel thus, they are exactly like any reputed journal.
  • They claim to be indexed in the most influential databases, say they possess editorial boards that comprise top scientists and researchers, and claim to have a rigorous peer-review structure.
  • But a large section of researchers and scientists across the world are at the receiving end of nothing short of an academic publishing scam.
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The Correct Option is

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The correct answer is (E): But a large section of researchers and scientists across the world are at the receiving end of nothing short of an academic publishing scam.

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