UK Grading System: A Complete Guide

UK Grading System: A Complete Guide

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Syed Yusuf Ashraf

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The UK grading system is one of the most specified grading systems and it may vary in the constituent countries. The grading system in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland are similar but it differs in Scotland. There are multiple elements in the grading structure such as the candidate's skills, academic strengths, and weaknesses.

The grading system in UK also helps the student to understand more about the eligibility criteria and admission requirements in a specific university they are planning to apply to. Let's move further and understand more about the UK grading system before planning to study in UK.
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UK Grading System in Compulsory Education

There are two types of grading scales followed in UK GCSE. The first one is the numerical grading system that is followed in England. The scale ranges from 1-9 where 4 is the passing grade. The second one is a letter grading system that is followed in Wales and Northern Ireland. In letter based grading scale, A is the highest possible grade and F is the lowest grade. The minimum passing grade is D.

UK Grading System in Higher Education

The Higher Education in UK or school leaving qualification is generally referred to as Advanced level or A-level qualification. This qualification is common in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

  • The A-level is accepted in the majority of the UK universities to shortlist the suitable candidate for admission.
  • The minimum passing criteria in Advanced level qualification is 40%. The grade ranges from A to E.
  • The A grade is generally given to those scoring at least 80%in all 6 subjects or 90% in two subjects.
Grade Letter Percentage Grade Descriptions
A 80% Pass
B 70% Pass
C 60% Pass
D 50% Pass
E 40% Pass
F Unclassified Fail

UK Grading System for Undergraduate

Classification of UK grading system towards Undergraduate Degree:

Grade Percentage Grade Descriptions Honors Degree Founders Degree
A 70 - 100% Excellent to Outstanding First-class Distinction
B 60 - 69% Good to Very Good Upper second 2:1 Merit
C 50 - 59% Satisfying Lower second 2:2 Pass
D 40 - 49% Sufficient Third-Class Pass
E 30 - 39% Unsatisfactory Fail Fail
F 0 - 29% Unsatisfactory Fail Fail

First-class Degree

It is the highest undergraduate degree that an individual can earn with an average equal to or above 70%.

Upper Second Class Degree

The second-class degree is awarded to those who have achieved a minimum average between 60 - 69% in bachelor’s. This degree is considered good but may require improvement in some subjects

Lower Second Class Degree

Those earning this degree, generally score between 50 - 59%. This degree is listed under lower class as the candidate has only achieved lower academic achievement without quality.

Third-class Degree

This is the lowest possible degree that a student can receive in UK. The grade range in this degree is between 40 - 49%. Whoever receives this degree has a very limited choice at the graduate level due to below-average academic performance.

UK Grading System for Masters

Almost every Master's degree in UK follows a different grading scale except the integrated master's. Below is the classification of the grading system for Master's in the UK:

Grade Descriptions Percentage
Distinction 70% or above
Merit or Commendation 60 - 69%
Pass 50 - 59%
Passed on Borderline 40 - 49%

Grading System in Scotland

Tabluted below is the grading system followed in Scottish school passing board. The grading system in Scotland is completely different from that in other countries in the UK:

Grade Grade Descriptions
A Highest Grade
B Very strong pass
C Pass
D Borderline pass
E Fail

UK is one of the most preferred study abroad destinations for the majority of the study abroad aspirants in India. Those planning to study in UK must be aware of the grading of the region they are aiming to apply.


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