Prof Shilpa Kiran Bendale is the Director at KCES's Institute of Management and Research, Jalgaon. She has done M.Com, MBA (Marketing) Taxation Law, MBA (Finance) and awarded a Phd. (Management) in 2000. She has teaching and administrative experience of over four decades and is known for her expertise in Marketing Skills, Motivation and Leadership. She is the NAAC Coordinator of KCES’s College of Engineering and IT, Jalgaon. She has received several excellence awards in the field of education and is an active member of various boards of studies.

KCES's Institute of Management and Research

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“Active participation and quick responses to all circumstances” 

I have always believed in the process of dynamic and responsive leadership. It has garnered positive feedback for me. This type of working style comes naturally to me and allows me to be a swift decision-maker.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

Our Mission statements focus on grooming students to be globally competent”

Our students have a wide variety of opportunities to excel in their academic life. We ensure that the students are exposed to many guest lectures and online webinars of international repute. This helps them develop the necessary confidence and competence at the National and International level. We also offer add-on skill based courses for their benefit.

How does the curriculum of your institute ensure the best practice of Industry?

“We are blessed with a curriculum that is designed by industry experts themselves”

The Curriculum of our University is a contribution from members of the Board of Studies. The majority of our faculty are either Chairpersons in the Board of Studies or its members. The Institute also boasts of alumni interaction regularly with our faculty. This ensures that the requirement of the Industry is sufficiently incorporated into the syllabus to ensure best practices. 

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What do you think about your responsibilities to the University and the students?

Playing the role of a facilitator to ensure the students benefit from all the institution resources”

The primary role and responsibility towards the University lie in conducting all the affiliated courses, due completion of the syllabus, and completing examination formalities. Also, to contribute, suggest and conduct relevant activities in the best interest of the student community in the region. The responsibilities towards students predominantly focus on their overall holistic development and grooming them to be globally competent.

What do you see as your institute’s greatest strength?

One of the oldest Management Institutions serving the student community for 35 years”

As a premier institute, we boast of highly qualified senior faculty members. Our main strengths include quality infrastructure, ideal IT infrastructure and sound financial resources. The institute is given a free hand in decision making by the management. The Institute also has a commendable record in producing excellent students with over 31 Gold Medallists.

How do you tend to establish a healthy environment in your Institute?

The responsive style of leadership with due diligence ensures healthy relationships”

Our course co-coordinators are given all authority to run the course independently. This ensures accountability and a sense of ownership. Various aspects under curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular and cultural activities are delegated to faculty members. They are at liberty to choose student representatives and function to the best of their abilities. There is a healthy exchange of thoughts between students, teaching and non-teaching staff.

How does your Institute promote students equality and inclusion?

We are making sufficient efforts to propagate diversity and Anti-Discriminatory Practices”

As a secular state, the country in itself doesn’t discriminate between any races and ethnic groups. The university with which we are affiliated often enrols research scholars from Middle Eastern countries. As a Research centre ourselves, we seek students from other countries to enrol as PhD students. 

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What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To achieve autonomous status for the facilitation of academic freedom”

Currently, we are an affiliated Institute to our parent university which is Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. We are in the process of obtaining accreditation from the National Board of accreditation. We also propose to become an autonomous institute. This will offer us flexibility in our academic planning and course improvements. We intend to offer specially tailored courses of current relevance.