Faculties of this college are very good. They will help you with your every problem. An all the faculties are very good even you can share your personal problem they will surely help you with that. All the staffs are very friendly towards the students so you can talk to them comfortably.
All are very much qulaified and everyone is very interactive. Standard of exam are above par. You will be equally tested on your quality as well as your practical knowledge.
Maximum faculty are from IIT's. They are quite interactive and their teaching is quite efficient for student for their successful life. They always help student for extra curricular.
Approx70% of the teachers are m.tech from iit's.they are quite ineractive.standard of teaching is quite efficient and progressive faculties posseses a degrees from prestigious iits and nits .we go through a periodic practical process to develop the basic knowledge of various engineering applications like designing,field works etc.
Faculty is very good and helpful and have a piece of good knowledge of their respective subjects. The faculty always try to give assignments regularly and makes us unrelaxed.